V16 - Chapter 197 Operation Ghost Soldier

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"Alnus Military Police had to broke up a fight at the marketplace yesterday. A High Elf merchant refused to serve a Bunny because two hundred years ago, a group of Warrior Bunnies attacked his village for mates. The Bunny responded that she never was on such a raid and was before her time. She also stated that Bunnies don't like to mate with Elves because of the lack of fertility.

The argument escalated to the point the Bunny assaulted the High Elf after he threw a bottle at her, forcing police to detain both. The Bunny has been fined for assaulting the Elf, but also, the Elf was fined for refusing service based on discrimination reasons; both are against US law.

While integration has been mostly successful, this is not the only fight that has broken out. Last month two Humans and a Volraden males attacked a male Neko and sexually assaulted a female one, stating that they were inferior and could be treated as such. Both were arrested and are awaiting trial.

President Potts has made it a priority to integrate many of the races under British Common Law. The 1964 Civil Rights Law has found new meaning in maintaining order in Alnus. What has helped keep the peace is that the Civil Rights law does not pick or choose which race is higher, so everyone is equal, and in a rare case, the government is a neutral party in this matter.

The US government understands there is a long history of hatred and discrimination between many races, but it will not have tolerance of revenge justice. In a rare case, the government is neutral in a feud as the US government has no history of Falmart or interaction between the races.

Civil Rights groups have been employed to help manage the situation to prevent escalation. The head of the Alliance Defending Freedom and others have stated their goal is to make sure all these different races see past the exterior and value people by their merits and character. Their goal is to push that they are American (or any other nationality they have been accepted by) before any other ingroup." - Free Alnus News.


--- Fort Alnus, General Stanford Office ---

Date: May 23rd, 2026

With the current rainstorm happening outside, NATO personnel continue their duty as the war needs continue. This always impressed Lelei La Lalena. The weather has a significant effect on daily life for the people of Falmart, even for the military. If the weather is terrible, battles are delayed even if the enemy is kilometers away, but the weather rarely stops their operations with NATO. The fighting season is always.

Sitting in the waiting room with Sarah made her feel like she was in trouble, even though she called for the meeting. It has happened before, getting bullied at the academy. Her sister always was there, though.

Besides Captain Rose and herself, General Stanford, Ambassador Willington, and Agent Castillo are here. Each is the head leader in their respective areas. Stanford leading the military front, Willington the diplomatic front, and Castillo, well, Lelei does not fully understand what he does. Something related to spying on the enemy.

Stanford sets down all the letters Lelei gave him. "Let me get this straight, Miss Lalena; you want permission to go to Rondel?"

Lelei nods. "That is correct, sir. As you know, I have been writing to my sister Arpeggio, Mage Grandmaster Cato El Altestan, and Mage Grandmaster Mimoza La Mer. They request both me and Selina's presence."

"And the other letter?" Castillo said.

Lelei takes a deep breath, struggling to find the words. However, Sarah answers for her.

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