V18 - Chapter 214 The Elite Ball Party

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"With the discoveries from Falmart, The Pentagon and other Defense companies have begun searching for ways to integrate the new materials and artifacts into next generation weapon platforms. Key programs that are in development are being looked into to see if any Urosian materials or designs can be integrated into them. Such programs are the 6th Generation F/A-XX and Next Generation Air Dominance, the new Navy Future Surface Combatant program, the Army Future Vertical Lift program, and many others. While many of these programs are entering their mature phase, future block versions could integrate these discoveries into the platforms.

With regards to the Dwarf tunnel moss which acts as a ventilation system - which was discovered after NATO forces captured the Fortress Legrath, NASA finished constructing a testing facility of this moss for researching its application in deep space habitation. The military has proposed testing this moss at the Air Force Cheyenne Mountain facility.

In other news, scientists from Cambridge University have announced the successful creation of metallic glass, which is the new radical type of synthetic glass that has the strength of steel while having the transparency of glass. The metallic glass is shown to have massive potential in advancing the design of vehicles in the future." - National Interest


--- Villa, Directorate Palace, Rondel ---

Date: June 14th, 2026

Banging against the door, Sharpe yelled, "Girls, we were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago!"

"Five more minutes," Rory yelled.

"You said that thirty minutes ago!"

"Well, then wait another thirty minutes," all the girls replied.

Out of all the trails about girls, Sharpe never understood why it took so long for the opposite sex to get ready. Being late seemed to be part of their DNA. "What is taking you girls so long?"

"We want to look pretty for the party!" Tuka Stated. "Do you want us to look ugly?"

The question frustrated Sharpe as there was only one answer which was agreeing with Tuka. However, agreeing met that he could not voice his opinion. "No, but does it have to take three hours?"

Rory cracked open the door, face covered in a green mask, glaring at him. "We are women, Sharpe! We are more delicate than men. Now let us focus on beautifying ourselves in peace or we're gonna make you wait even longer." She then slammed the door.

That frustrated Sharpe even more and hearing giggling behind the door he decided to head to his laptop. "Girls. It's like herding cats." He then heard laughter from the laptop – Sarah being on the screen as she knits clothes for her unborn child. "Laugh it up."

"I just find it humorous that you can lead soldiers into battle with no issues, fight impossibly powerful monsters, and go through multiple deadly situations, and yet a couple of girls is beyond your power," Sarah giggled. "Yeah, but it is how the world should be."

"You say so, but I always pay the bills," Sharpe replied.

"As I said, as it should be," Sarah said in a cheerful tone. "How is Rondel?" Noticing a grunt, she chucked. "That bad?"

"I'd rather be in Southeast Asia right now," Sharpe replied. "There is so much politics going on and everything has a curveball. I feel completely out of my element right now."

"I figured, but you are not there for you," Sarah replied. "It means the world for Lelei that you're there. Every girl wants approval from their father, and you're the closest thing there is to one for her. I guarantee she couldn't do this if you weren't there just as a safety net. Just in case."

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