V22 - Chapter 262 Epilogue pt 1

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--- Talras Forest ---

Date: April 22nd, 2028

Staring out the side of the Valor tiltrotor helicopter side window, Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe saw a reflection of Idos on a nearby lake.

Looking out, he saw two other Valor in formation as a formation of six prepared their final approach.

It has been two years since the War of Two Worlds ended. Within that time a great number of things have changed. After Empress Pina Co Lada was officially crowned most of the major cities sided with her administration.

There were some who opposed and remained loyal to the old regime, however that did not last long. When an armor unit appeared with a certain Imperial General with a very legendary background while riding on top of that very same armored column scared most of the rebel cities into submission.

Outside of skirmishes and partisanship, most of the fighting died down. The only exception came from an alliance between the Oprichnina and the Haryo Tribe. Being espionage by nature they proved harder to eradicate than other rebel groups.

As part of the peace agreement, the 8th Infantry (Alnus) Division remained stationed on Falmart with the mandate to protect American territories around Alnus but as part of the NATO Stabilization Force. Their mission was to help the new Republic to clear out rebels and prevent the continent from collapsing like what happened in Libya. Iraq, and Afghanistan.

For the Vanguard program, they were officially split off from the 75th Rangers and became their own unit.

"Jackson?" Rory asked.

Looking away from the window, Sharpe saw Rory Mercury sitting uncomfortably in a seat.

Unlike in the past when she had a petite body which allowed her to fit nearly inside military space without issue, now being uplifted to a proto-angel she has become a more fully grown adult woman with short wings.

"Still enjoying the wings?" Sharpe asked.

Rory gave him a frown. "Yes... it is just, it makes things uncomfortable at times."

"I knew you missed being a midget," Sharpe said with a wink. "Anyway, what is it?"

Rory again shot him a glare before going to the rear of the helicopter.

Realizing what Rory was referring to, he looked at the back of the helicopter.

Sitting there was a girl in a blue dress with white lacing and a bow scattered around the shoulders, back, and chest. With white eyes and goldfish brown hair, she held her shoulders as she breathed heavily. It was clear that she was struggling to prepare for this mission.

Sharpe looked over to Rory and the two chuckled at the sight. "Alright."

Moving toward the back, bypassing the other Vanguard warriors, he sat down next to the side of the girl. "Take slow breaths and focus on what is in front of you."

"I tried! I did not know it was going to be fighting!"

"Marly," Rory said. "Emroy is the God of War. Of course, you would have to fight and kill people."

"I do not know how you all do this," Marly said. "I have tried and tried-."

Sharpe placed his hand in front of Marly. "Stare at my hand." Once he saw that Marly focused on his hand he continued, "Marly. Never try. Always do. Once you accept that, everything else will fall in line."

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