V14 - Chapter 168

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"The Venezuela Peace Process failed today as the three warring factions walked out. The three factions could not agree to a power sharing agreement with each group saying they are the true group to govern the body.

The combination of the Venezuela protest in 2014 with the total collapse of the economy in 2015 led to the nation going into total civil war in 2021. The Russian Federation and Cuba supports the old regime of Nicolás Maduro while the United States, Colombia, and Brazil supports President Juan Guaidó's regime. Each side has maintained some form of civil unrest as they struggle for control of the country.

During the civil war in 2021, a hardline faction within the Military led by Major General Luca Carita. It is believed that the Chinese are providing funding and weapons to the Carita regime.

With the failures of the Peace summit, nearby nations worried that the civil war would spread to other nations and destabilize the region. With the United States, France, Colombia, and Brazil having their attention fighting on Uros, there seems to be little hope to the end of the conflict." - Free Alnus News


--- Fort Minick, Vanguard headquarters, Colonel John Yang's office ---

March 27th, 2026

Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe leans on Colonel John Yang's desk, looking at the tv screen. On there are Lieutenant General Charles Stanford and the CIA head agent Branson Castillo.

"What do you mean you are considering this offer?" he asks, demanding an answer.

"Calm down, Sharpe," Yang orders. "This is just a conversation, nothing more."

He looks at Yang. "He is proposing to give those Wood Elves, my daughter. How else am I supposed to react?"

"Stand down Lieutenant Colonel," Stanford orders. "Selina Sharpe is an American citizen, and by law, we cannot hand her to people who would murder her. Even if she wasn't, we wouldn't hand her over to these people".

"Now hold on," Castillo says. "We cannot pass up on this offer."

What Castillo is referencing is that Lord Lashin wants to make a trade for Selina for vital intel. Somehow the Wood Elves know that NATO is looking for information on the Haryo Tribe and the US people they had captured. They know about the location of the missing American slaves the Haryo Tribe has(1). Wasting no time, The CIA has taken the lead on finding the remaining captive American and countering the Haryo Tribe.

He understands the importance of rescuing his countrymen. They have been missing for over a year now, and it has been proven harder to find than initially believed.

"Handing Selina over wouldn't mean they would give us anything," he states.

"We saw what these elves did to that farm family," Yang adds. "The only reason they left the boy alive is to send a message to us. They are also willing to go as far as they can. They will murder everyone we make contact with, all of the friends we made in this war just to get to one girl."

"Point is this is a trap," he says. "He is saying what you want to hear. He probably heard that we want our people back. It is not a state secret how far we are willing to go to get them back, so he is going to use that against us."

"Except the fact that he mentioned the Haryo Tribe," Castillo says. "We have not publicly released that information."

"Is there a way we can trick the Wood Elves?" Stanford asks. "I know mages can create people using illusion magic."

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