V15 - Chapter 183 Hearings

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"Sir, forty Frumentarri members, thirty regular Oprichnina members, twenty elite desert scorpion assassins of the Ticaret Conglomerate, including the head of the Frumentarri General Upson, have been successfully eliminated by the "gift" we sent to them three days ago during their celebration party in the mansion north of the noble district in retaliation for the destruction of the bridge in Valtris. While the explosion indeed reduces the intelligence capability of the Oprichnina and the presence of the Imperial secret police in the capital, the vigilance of the imperial force significantly will be much higher from now on, so it is wise that we lay low for now. We also manage to gather some intel from the Gonzori family moles that there are at least three dozens Frumentarri agents present in Valktris and Naktai. We have their gathering locations, which are all in the file below, so that we can purge all of them in one go. If any situation arises, I will report you soon" - Field report from agent James Gracia


--- Earth, United States, Washington D.C., President's Guest House ---

Date: April 20th, 2026

Rory is in the kitchen, cooking early. She is humming as she steers some batter.

"You know the cooking staff here could make pancakes for you," Lelei says as she rubs her eyes.

"I wanted to make Jackson some food," she replies.

"Because you feel bad because you beat the crap out of him twice now?" Lelei says.

"No, I didn't," she states angrily.

"Once at the Darlko Facility(1) when you went berserk," Lelei points out. "And the other when you were punishing him for a week after the incident in the strip club(2)."

"For the strip club incident, he deserved that," she shoots back. "And now I feel bad."

She does feel bad for hurting Sharpe. She went berserk during the assault on the Darlko mages and couldn't stop herself. Her urges forced her to fight, and Sharpe was there. Plus, her feelings for him didn't help the situation.

She sees Tuka walk into the room, "What did you think of yesterday's bombshell?"

Lelei takes a deep breath, "I spend most of the night thinking about it and understanding. Some part of me feels small after hearing that. So much power, it is surprising that they didn't destroy themselves. However, I am happy to learn the nations of this world are responsible enough. The three powers of this world – while they disagree choose not to use them."

"Interesting outlook, Lelei," Tuka says, "I don't know how to think about it. Life seems more complicated with these people. I like it when things are simple."

"Like everything has a major consequence," Lelei says. She thinks about past conversations with Sharpe. "I remember Sharpe telling Pina that in his world, everything they have today had to be earned. Threw wars, destruction, sweat and blood, and so on. On Falmart, we fight for power while in this world, they fight to progress."

Rory agreed with what Lelei said. One of the reasons she joined the Americans and their allies was because she saw much potential in them(?). She knew the Americans are powerful however, she also noticed they were childish. Not childish in knowledge pre say, but ready to take responsibility as the Empire replacement. Handling the different races, the power struggle, the new reality like magic, the Gods, and so on. She saw them as an immature child that has a powerful weapon. She knew early on that without guidance, these Americans and their allies, with all their power and the new reality they are not alone among the stars, would descend into another Empire.

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