V20 - Chapter 238 When the child is born

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--- Army Hospital, Fort Alnus, ---

Date: August 5th, 2026

After a successful rescue operation in Thaluilas, Empress Pina Co Lada wanted nothing more but to celebrate with her Rose Knights at the Apex bar. Celebrating that, they saved a very popular Imperial General from a betrayal, bringing a massive force to her side and another influential individual into the future administration of the Saderan Republic.

However, all celebrational moods evaporated once Vanguard-7 returned. She assumed she would have tackled her brother with a giant hug. Instead, she watched in horror as the beaten and bloodied body of her, once proud, sibling lay on a stretcher. The brutal scars of torture were visible everywhere on his body.

Standing outside a large glass wall at the Army Hospital, Pina watched the doctors perform surgery on her brother.

"How are you holding up?" a voice spoke to her.

Glancing over, Pina saw Sharpe and said, "Your doctors said they are working on it. His right arm was severed, and they said that area had a severe infection. Deep cuts throughout his body, dehydration, starvation, some blindness, maybe."

Nothing but despair filled her mind as she spoke, listing all the issues with her eldest brother.

Sharpe responded with a story when an operation against the terrorist group Abu Sayyaf went bad in the Philippines where one of his comrades nearly died from a claymore mine. However, although he and others felt that he might not survive, the man was utterly strong in his will to live and pushed through the pain long enough to be brought to a hospital. In the end, the American soldier managed to survive and taught Sharpe an important lesson of not giving up living even when the Grim Reaper is near.

"I wondered if he was going to die," Pina said. "It would be a tragedy after all that work to rescue him just so I could watch him die."

There was a short silence before Sharpe's response. "He is a tough one so I wouldn't worry too much. Besides, he is too much of a pain in the ass to die like this."

"I know," Pina replied. "I never properly thanked you, Lieutenant Colonel."

"You don't need to," Sharpe said.

Looking back into the surgery room, Pina struggled to form the words. It was taking all her strength not to break down.

With another short silence, Sharpe continued, "You know. I originally came to congratulate you on saving Fabius and Albon."

She had almost completely forgotten about her mission in Elies. The situation was beginning to improve in the region. With Fabius's help and intel, NATO was able to deploy their module bridge across Agaront Stream. It would only be a matter of days before Thaluilas fell as Imperial defense crumbled and surrendered, allowing the enemy to be outflanked and outmaneuvered and ending the Elies Front Permanently.

"Thank you," Pina said. "Just wish the mood was different."

"It might sound harsh, but you will need to move on," Sharpe said. "It is not your fault, he made his choice then and I bet that he still wouldn't change a thing. You can only control what you do, not the world."

"I know," Pina replied. "I just remember being so childish and helpless. I just wish I did more."

"Well, you have changed a lot in the past year," Sharpe pointed out. "From a naive princess who wanted to play knight to a proper Empress where you are now. Just keep living up to the expectation and he will see the sacrifice he made for you was worth it."

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