V18 - Chapter 221 Tragedy Strikes

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--- Somewhere in Rondel ---

Date: June 16th, 2026

"Curse them... curse them all!" Kagash screams in rage with her hands grabbing her hair, ready to tear it off at what has transpired.

Their plan was supposed to be flawless. While the plan to end Rondel has been around for decades, they studied NATO and learned from them, using their strengths and weaknesses as part of their plans. From the very beginning as they had anticipated every possible move NATO could make to save the city. Each time they tried to help the people of Rondel it only increased the division and destruction. The Balrog was summoned and their long awaited objective finally was in their grasp, but in the end, the Balrog eventually fell thanks to a deeply troublesome blue-hair mage and exceptional ingenuity of Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe.

Galrik asked her what they should do now since it was only a matter of time before NATO forces would swarm the city. Kagash shook her head in despair, not knowing what to do now since their meticulously crafted plan was a complete failure.

Unable to think of a plan, Kagash casted a communication spell to speak to her Lord. "My Lord, we have failed. The Balrog had been destroyed by NATO and our enemies are far more cunning than we thought. I am afraid there is nothing we can do to get rid of Rondel."

Valker took his time to respond, letting the gravity of the situation unfold. "You have failed. I gave you the location of the Demon body and the gods taught us how to use it to summon the demon."

"To be fair, most of the city has been destroyed," Kagash interjected. "Any knowledge here would take years to recreate."

"No matter," Valker said. "The end is in sight but we must act before he intervenes." He then points in the direction of a vital building in which Kagash and Galrik instantly understand what their lord means. "Destroy the vault."

"I understand, it shall be done my lord," Kagash stated as she casted off the communication spell. "My love, I need you to distract them while I gather the remainder of our forces."

--- Market District, Rondel ----

Moving through the lines, Pina focused on preventing her small formation from collapsing. The Imperial Army was a much-needed manpower boost, however, the enemy currently has the momentum. In addition, she was forced to split her forces into three groups: one to help with the evacuation of the civilians, the other to help protect the magic academy to prevent plundering from the enemy force, and the rest are trying to defend the plaza for the Chinooks to land. The key is to hold until reinforcements arrive.

After feeling the ground shake from the MOAB explosion, Sharpe informed them that the demon had been destroyed and help was on the way. However, that created the next issue; the arriving helicopters are going to get shot down by enemy mages without protection. Colonel Yang had to use the plaza as a landing zone, the only open space within the city large enough for helicopters to land.

"Rory, can you spare Frayen?" Pina asked. "I need him to protect the landing zone"

"Got it!" Rory replied. "Once reinforcements arrive, get Jackson and the Vanguard team to give me a hand. It is difficult for me and Giselle to keep these three bitches from you all for long."

Seeing that issue taken care of, Pina looked past the Rondel Knights and Legionaries as soldiers and Adventurers clashed in the streets. The Guild's, pressing their advantage by staying on the roads and buildings, fought irregularly. "I cannot believe it came to this?"

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