V14 - Chapter 176 Assault

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 "My dear brothers and sisters, for many centuries we have hidden in the shadows and practiced our crafts in obscurity! For many centuries the people of this world have prosecuted all of us out of fear, paranoia and ignorance as well as the actions of the few bad seeds along with the ideas that what we are doing is against God! But now things are about to change! Our time to leave behind the shadow and go into the light has come! The era for the society to accept us has arrived!

However, much work needs to be done, Lelei La Lena, Rory Mercury, Tuka and Yao as well as other magical beings of Uros must know that we are counting on them for the day we reveal ourselves to the world. We are counting on them to make sure the witch hunt never happens again. I entrust some of yours to deliver the Book of Shadow to Alnus Base so it can reach Lelei, let her know that we are always real! " - Unknown email message sent by an unknown person to a group of people


--- Row Stream, Valtris Harbor, middle of the night --

April 3rd, 2026

Elder Ellisar Heivyre sees the target of his war party, the NATO bridge at Valtris.

From what he understands, Valtris held out against NATO for a few days early in the war, even inflicting casualties against them(1).

While they were enemies then, he can see that Valtris has embraced the Other Worlders. In his long life, he is always surprised how someone can be enemies today and allies tomorrow.

From the Oprichnina intelligence branch, the Frumentarii Corps informed him that this bridge is the primary supply route to the Greater Elies Region. Cutting this supply route, even temporary, would be a massive setback.

General Upson of the Frumentarii wanted this bridge taken out, and he agreed to take up this assignment.

He is one of fifteen elders from the Kingdom of Faeven of the Moon Elves, located in the Walrian Forest far to the northeast. While one of the few Independent Kingdoms on Falmart, they still maintain some obedience to the Empire. The Empire has aided them in the wars against the Volralden to the west and Famulis domain to the south.

Usually, his people would stay out of Imperial affairs; however, the Other Worlders have proven to be a massive threat. While he didn't believe in the Imperial declaration about how evil the Other Worlders are at the Knappnai Summit, judging by how hypocritical the Empire is toward demi-human treatment and their constant conquests and slave-driving (2). He did see how much of their way of life can change. More importantly, the balance of power if NATO wins the war. If NATO defeats the Empire and becomes the dominant power, no one could challenge them ever again.

His people kingdom, the last of the Elves' Kingdoms from the days the Elves ruled these lands, will not risk their future on these Other Worlders. Emperor Zorzal made one comment that his King took an interest in, Falmart should be ruled by the people of Falmart, not by outsiders.

He sees his dozen elves all in the water, all holding onto some logs acting as a raft as they approach the bridge. He did plan on using canoes to speed up their approach, but the Frumentarii agent in Valtris recommended against it.

The agent said NATO has devices that can detect such objects on the surface. He also warned him that the Other Worlders could see at night and people's body heat like a snake and dragon.

That is why he decided to use the Row Stream. Assuming these Other Worlders devices can see people's body heat, then he isn't worried. He had his group create armor made out of reptilian skin. They are great for moving through the water and hiding their body heat. This and how cold the water is, he knows the chances of being detected is slim.

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