V20 - Chapter 231 The Two Frontiers

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--- Thaluilas, Elies Region ---

Date: August 1st, 2026

Feeling a tremble, Empress Pina Co Lada grabbed the strap over her. While she has grown used to flying, it never felt natural to her, especially these army Chinooks. She thought it was much better than riding any flying beasts as it was much safer.

"You made the right decision, Empress," Albert said, sitting across from her.

"I know," Pina replied. "I just feel like I am betraying my brother."

"If I recall, when you were trapped at Legrath, Krysist delegated to Sharpe and the Girls to free you," Albert pointed out. "When you are in command, delegating is just as important as doing it yourself. We have a saying on Earth, the needs of the many-."

"Outweigh the needs of the few," Pina added. "Spock, Star Trek, which he was not born on Earth."

Seeing the confused reaction from Albert, she smiled. "Let's just say the rest of my knights and I have endeared ourselves quite deep with Earth's Pop Culture nights with Vanguard-7."

"Really? So what is your favorite movie and video game?" Albert asked.

"My favorite game, the guys make fun of me for it, but I really do enjoy Candy Crush," Pina said. "My favorite movie so far is Mulan. I feel a personal connection that she disobeyed her father to save him. While not fitting in, being an outsider, she found her place among the men and saved her country.."

While the two laughed, Pina looked out the back of the Chinook. The helicopter was starting to land. It was dark with the moonlike being blocked, which was no longer a problem with the night vision feature in the Hyperspectral Digital Visors her Knights had been wearing. She had often wondered the potential of the Empire if they had one of these high-tech devices: night vision, radio or something else NATO considers common; how one of these small things could revolutionize war. While thinking about it, she remembered seeing a marine compass that was sold for ten Dollars in America. For the people on the Earth side of the gate, it's just another cheap tool. But on this side, that cheap tool could revolutionize naval navigation and travel of the entire Uros..

Once the Chinook landed, the Rose Knights, the SAS, and the three Clanless got off. Unlike the first two groups, one of the three members of the Clanless along with Lartia dropped to the ground, practically kissing it. The two Neko's were relieved to be touching the ground once more, still not used to the concept of air travel.

Beefeater approached them and commented, "First time I see."

"Not really, but I don't think she will ever get used to it," Kryuune responded. "Nelia, you're making us look bad. It's just transportation, just... in the sky."

"If Nekos were meant to fly, we would have wings," Nelia retorted while helping her friend up.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. You're starting to sound like Aldon," Sebille teased with a giggle.

"Hey, in my defense I'm not as bad as him." Nelia retorted as she stabilized herself back on her feet.

Watching the Chinook and its escort fly away, Pina then looked toward the city. She zoomed in her visors and saw the elvish towers in the distance. "I wish we could land closer."

"Nothing wrong with a hike," Kryunne said as she stood up. "You people have gotten used to riding everywhere."

"Besides, they would spot us and could shoot us down with magic blasts," Albert replied. "Stealth is our advantage while the distraction force engages the outposts."

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