V20 - Chapter 233

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--- Thaluilas, Elies Region ---

Date: August 2nd, 2026

Walking through the main hall littered with corpses, Pina was shocked by the efficiency of the Clanless and even by some of her own Knights, mainly Suissesse and Beefeater. Breaking into the palace was intense with the number of guards. If it was not for the Imperials who defected and Lartia knowledge of the layout, she would have had to call in the SAS or end the mission.

Entering the maids' room, all she saw were a bunch of women by the corner, scared to death. Between them and her Knights was an older elf woman, dressed in fine robes. She stood up front, shielding the rest of the maids.

'She must be the head maid that was acting as their last protector,' Pina thought to herself.

"You have nothing to fear," Pina tried to reassure them. "We are not here to harm you but free this city from the Empire and their League allies."

The head elf gave a hateful glare toward them all and then spoke boldly, "You all come into my domain, scaring my girls half to death, and then declare you are not here to harm us? Warriors of the enemy?"

Realizing how this would look, enemy soldiers just burst into private servant quarters full of defenseless women. " We are not going to violate you nor are we going to kill any of you."

"We were told you would know where Legatus Fabius and General Albon are being held," O'iloiat said.

"I am Head Maid Cellica. I am sorry, but I cannot help you. Now please go; your war does not belong here."

"As I said, you have nothing to fear," Pina said. "I am Empress Co Lada of the new Sadera Republic. I am taking over the Empire from my brother and his cronies. I promise after this war all of you will be freed and have a better life but first, we just need your help."

"Your title Empress means nothing here," Cellica retorted. "We have a code and we stick to it. We do not talk about what we see or hear with anyone. Otherwise, all of us could be crucified or worse."

"We are not going to crucify you," Bozes said. "We are here to help. If you help us find Fabius and his allies then we can end this war. You will even be freed from servitude."

"I am sorry, but you are Imperial Elites," Cellica said. "We know the price of speaking. Even if you take over and all of the worlds becomes everything you desire, the world will not change for people like us. Most of us have nowhere else to go and know nothing else. If we break this code, then it jeopardizes all future prospects, either dead or living on the streets as a whore. This is more about our survival. My lord Lartia Aulus knows all too well."

Frustrated by the lack of cooperation and inflexible rigidity by the maids, Pina struggled with why soldiers were willing to side with her and yet these slaves wouldn't.

"Can you people ever think outside of your so-called code for once in your life and come to your senses?" Panache asked. "Even imperial soldiers are far more reasonable than all of you!"

Feeling the sudden tension between the Knights and Cellica stubbornness, Pina tried to find another way out of this mess. "Look, your code is going to get people killed. We are here to try and end the war."

"When this war ends, another one will begin," Cellica said. "You should not have come here."

Feeling frustration move through her body, Pina placed her hand on her sword handle out of frustration but was stopped by a hand. Noticing it was Lartia, she watched as the feline moved between them.

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