V16 - Chapter 193 Sadera Dark Burn

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--- Intersection ---

Date: May 5th, 2026

Rory blocks a shadow spell from Famulis.

"Just die, Rory," Famulis said.

Rory looks over and sees Lelei fighting Taylin. Lelei uses a deflect spell to block Taylin's attack. While Lelei's magic is strong, it requires a moment for her to power up, which Taylin is smart enough to prevent that from happening. However, Lelei is no push over either as she is able to use stunning spells to briefly immobilize Taylin and blast him.

In their last fight, Lelei broke Taylin's ax(1) with a lightning blast. That was only because Sharpe and Tuka distracted him long enough for her to use a spell powerful enough to do that. Taylin would not make the same mistake twice.

She sees two ghouls charging at Lelei from behind. "Lelei!"

Yao then decapitated two ghouls with her tactical machete. "I have all of your back."

She smirks, glad to have people watching her back. She charges forward and moves past Famulis. She kicks Famulis back and then does a double spin at her.

Famulis flaps her wings and conjures a darkness blade to slash Rory.

Rory blocks with her Halberd using much of her strength. "I still cannot believe you would sell out your people to work for the Empire. While we are enemies, I consider you principled. It was why I left you alone."

"You still killed my mother," Famulis said. "You thought I would forgive you? You once were part of the Empire, a growing power. Now you are with these Other Worlders."

"What do they have to do with this?" Rory asked as her halberd with the darkness blade. She jumps away. "Wait... are you saying you are scared of them? You fell for Zorzal and Taylin's tricks?"

"Zorzal is no Molt, however, Zorzal and his minions made great points," Famulis replied. "NATO poses a massive threat to this world. They will wipe out my people. They see us as monsters."

"What made you think NATO is gonna wipe your people out? You just blindly assumed they are just like the Empire? And siding with the Empire will fix that?" Rory asked. "I joined them to help guide them, so they wouldn't blindly wage war against people who didn't deserve it. So they wouldn't make the same mistakes the Empire did."

"I don't believe you," Famulis replied as she began using her shadow magic. Darkness started emanating from her body as tendrils started to move towards them. "They will storm this world, and anyone who doesn't bend to their will suffers. I am no fan of the Empire; however, I know if the Empire falls to NATO, no one will be able to stop them after that."

Rory can hear the desperation in Famulis voice. If there's one thing she can respect about Famulis is that she genuinely cares about her Darkling citizens. She strongly believes NATO will wipe them out if the Empire falls, making this war a last stand type of action.

However, she knows Famulis is basing her perspective off a lie. "You are wrong in more ways than you think. I did kill your mother because I was told she was a threat to the Empire. That she planned to start a great war to wipe out the Common Folk."


"I know they are lies," Rory roared. She glances at Taylin as he battles Lelei. "Taylin lied to me. He told me everything that your mother was doing terrible things. He convinced me that your mother was evil, that she was rallying the Dark Races together and was going to start another Dark Age. You know I wouldn't allow that to happen."

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