V16 - Chapter 190

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 "The center taskforce led by the 10th Mountain Division has captured the recently built Imperial Dwarven Fortress. Storming the underground fortress at first proved to be complex as NATO troops were unable to figure out how to open the Dwarven doors.

Major General Brandon Chapman stated: 'If we cannot use the front door, then I will make my own door'.

The Major General Chapman used three Massive Ordnance Penetrators (MOP) at a weak point in the mountain. The three bombs were used one after another, creating an opening for NATO soldiers to invade.

This opening took the enemy by surprise, preventing them to wage an effective counter-attack. NATO troops took the main chamber of the fort. Once taken, the 10th Mountain was able to destroy the defenders.

With the fort taken, the 10th Mountain can use the tunnel network to assault other underground forts and the 1st Cavalry Division will be able to continue building the center highway network through the Dumas Mountains. This is considered one of three major obstacles for the Center Campaign needed to take to punch through the mountains." - Free Alnus News


--- Fort Minick, Rose-Order of Knights Barracks ---

Date: May 3rd, 2026

The Rose Knights who went to Earth finished explaining what they have learned and experienced while on Earth.

Most Knights talked about how they liked the tall buildings, all the cars and technology they saw, the many different styles of merchandise, and more.

Bozes went on about enjoying the roughness of the streets, how alive everything was over there. She also appreciated how no one stopped for her to acknowledge her nobility. For the first time, she felt free to be who she wanted and did not feel shamed by anyone around her.

Panache surprised everyone by not saying anything negative about Earth. Up to this point, she only saw the US's war machine and the rest of NATO. Witnessing the much higher and more advanced society, she saw the Other Worlders as far more civilized from that and she even admits that she was absolutely wrong to judge them negatively from the beginning and before she came to Earth. She even went as far as to admit that the Empire never was a civilized society to begin with.

Beefeater, a natural-born fighter, had an exciting outlook. She enjoyed how peaceful everything was, especially in Ohio. She pointed out that the only issues humans created were no fear of goblins, outlaws, monsters, demi-humans, and nothing naturally evil. Even the threats of armed criminals are considered to be highly tamed compared to the harsh environment of Uros.

Pina noticed that too. On Falmart, every moment could be someone's last, even in the major races. Before the Empire, Humans were considered some of the weaker races, unable to rise among the other Common Races. She does not know what changed, but humanity was able to rise above the other Common Races and take over at some point.

But Pina agrees with Beefeater the most; the people of Earth have no idea how lucky they are that their number one enemy is themselves.

Pina walks upfront, "Very impressive. I am glad everyone took something different. I was worried that everyone would just say the same thing up here."

"What was yours?" Nikolasha asked.

Pina thought the answer would be hard. She thought she would bring up her time at the ballroom(2) or meeting the president, or meeting the American version of the Senate. However, she can only think about what happened at the Ohio Mansfield Military Prison Camp(3). She learned a hard lesson in dealing with Brigadier General Miles Graham and Noble Olgrondo Altrona.

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