V22 - Chapter 253 Manifest Corruption

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--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 26th, 2026

The four Griffins II fired another barrage against the hillside fortifications, punching holes in the bunker complex. Darlko mages retreated into the complex as they realized their barriers were no match against the US heavy weapons. The combination of overwhelming firepower had started too.

As Sharpe held the radio, he watched as the Rondel mages either burned the fortifications or unearthed them with their magic as the Airborne covered them.

"Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe," Brigadier General Smith said. "Once the barrage is finished, I want VRTF-2 to sweep in. Once your Rangers take the breaches, we will swarm their position."

"Roger that," Sharpe said.

"Are we ready to strike?" Krysist asked. "I am feeling my age waiting here all day."

Setting the radio down, Sharpe looked at the General. "Don't deploy everyone. Send five teams to each breach and have a team follow behind the other while giving cover. My teams will follow right behind. Speed is the key right now. They might be strong in mage however that is it."

"I know what to do. The question is, when will the so-called Demon God show himself?"

"No idea," Sharpe responded. "I expect he is by that temple opening the Demon Gate. Looks like we will have to punch through this to get to him as soon as possible or else we will have a legion of demons coming at us."

"These people have no honor," Krysist said after taking a drink from his canteen.

"Not everyone does," Sharpe said. "If they did, we would be unemployed."

Chuckling from the response, Krysist replied, "That is true. It is amazing after all."

"What is?"

"Think about it. Every little step throughout our lives led us to this very moment. Almost like it was destiny. If someone told me back in the Arena that I would be in charge of all Legionaries on Falmart, facing down demons I would never have believed it. And you, who helped bridged the two worlds together to fight a common enemy."

"I noticed you hyped up your story more and just gave me a single line," Sharpe commented with a laugh. He then took a deep breath as he looked out. "I think that is enough to retire on."

"For most warriors, but not for us. However, regardless of what we do, going forward history will only remember this moment."

Staring at the General, Sharpe saw a disappointed look from that fact. While he had no intention of retiring all he could think about was his new family. "I am fine with that. But sometimes, what is closer to home is more important."

"Do not tell me you plan to go soft too after all this?"

"Hah, far from it."

"Then what is it that you mean?"

"Don't take this personally but all that historical footnote is overrated." Sharpe then pointed to the Warrior Bunny who was commanding the Legionaries. "The only action that matters, in the end, is if it benefits the ones around you."

Krysist looked toward Malena. "Her? She is just a fellow warrior like myself."

"Don't tell me even the great general who proudly says that he stood up against us can't even see what's happening right in front of him."

Krysist merely stared at her. "I was wondering why she was sticking around."

"Let me give you the same lesson you gave me from Havcristen without the whole kidnapping and saving the damsel in distress plot," Sharpe said. "Don't miss out on what is in front of you."

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