V18 - Chapter 215

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"Brigadier General Royce Tomaski of the 3rd Armored Brigade, 2nd Armored Division has reported that the construction of the Roma Highway between Alnus and the outskirts of Marais. Marais and Podet Lake were the first major US defeats early in the war, preventing NATO and Elbe forces from linking up.

Tomaski was asked if he was worried about a second Marais defeat and the General brushed the comment off stating;

"Marais is just a road bump to the Blue Sea. My objective isn't taking Marais, it is to end this campaign once and for all and Marais are in the way. 2nd Armored infantry has already engaged the trenches that surround the city and we have already come up with a plan to take Marais."

The General refused to go into details with what his plans were, only stating that this time the military brass had learned from their mistakes. The goal is to rebuild the Roma Highway to the Blue Sea so NATO forces can move armored to either flank north to Sadera or flank south to cut off the Imperial Forces who are besieging Nava Esari - an elvish farming hub in the Mealud Valley." - Free Alnus News


--- Magic Guild Headquarters, Rondel ---

Date: June 15th, 2026

Kagash relished in the fallout of last night's party. What was meant to seal the deal with the Rondel nobles has now exploded in the US delegation's face. Exposing Soredin for who she is ruined the credibility of the Pro-NATO side and with General Pepreos' appearance has re-energized the Pro-Empire and Separatists sides into riots.

The leader of the Magic Guild, Drasho Getro, acted perfectly, far better than she expected. Because of his work, the other Guilds are following in line behind him and Albus. Now, there must be a man to unite all these smaller factions to complete her plans, Duke Fastidius.

Without Albus' leadership, the Rondel Knights are beginning to crack into factions. Many no longer support siding with NATO now that they had to draw swords on their nobles. Many have even forgotten about Albus and Sharpe's fight or now question if Albus was framed.

"This is not what I wanted," Fastidius said, looking at the city. "I wanted to unite Rondel to go its way but I did not want blood."

Walking toward Fastidius, Kagash spoke, "Then you were living in a fantasy world, my lord. Neither the Empire and NATO were ever going to let this city go without blood. The people are scared, confused, and have been betrayed. They need someone to unite them against the other powers."

"I don't know if I can," Fastidius said. "I love this city but the division might be too wide for me to heal."

"It proved you were right all along, Duke Fastidius," Kagash pointed out. "Can you not feel the tension? You can cut it with a dull sword. All thanks to NATO and the Empire. "

Kagash smirked, imagining the city burning as each faction riot against the other. "As you know, hard times create great men. One way or another, tomorrow's presentation will light the flame that will engulf this city. General Pepreos and Legatus Opoctia will declare fraud and elite corruption if Lelei graduated with full honors. If she does not, they will declare the same thing. They will need another option, another leader to show them a different path."

Turning around he sees Albus, Drasho, and the other Guild leaders. Everyone who is here has lost something, or will lose something from either a NATO or Empire victory.

"What about Sharpe and the others?" Albus asked. "Regardless of what happens with the city, they are the biggest threat."

"He is correct," Drasho added. "If half of their reputation is true then we will all end up dead."

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