V18 - Chapter 220 You shall not prevail

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--- Rondel ---

Date: June 16th, 2026

As parts of the city engulfed in flames, Kagash sat on the roof of the Magic Guild headquarters, watching the carnage with her family. "What a beautiful sight, isn't it, son."

"Yes, it is, mommy," Fagrish replied. "Is our time finally coming?"

"Yes, it is," Kagash stated confidently. "The era of Rondel has come to an end, and we will become the dominant mages on Falmart. Once the corruption and filth is brushed away, all this will be your generation to do as you please. With Rondel gone, Earth mages face a massive backlash from this, according to Soredin. As the Other Worlders say, two birds with one stone."

When Soredin was telling Cato her people's story, Kagash had a spy fairy listening in(1). Unlike in Falmart where magic is accepted as the norm, on Earth it is a different story. Being a science-based society, the people of Earth are distrusting of magic, especially on the fact that they only recently learned of its existence. Right now Earth magic is barely a threat however, she knew that would change over time as the Other Worlders get more comfortable with it, especially with Rondel's help. With Rondel's destruction in this manner, it would only lead to backlash on Earth, ending a possible long term threat in the magical competition for generations to come.

Hearing her husband comment on how the defenders tried and failed to stop the Balrog, she chuckled. "They have no idea how to stop it."

"But what if NATO uses their missiles? What if that Grand High Witch pulls some powerful sorcery like she did with that magic sword?" Fagrish asked.

"That would be a good thing, my dear," Kagash answered. "Our goal is the destruction of this city. If NATO wants to bring their full might against this Demon, so be it. The city will be destroyed one way or another. We have won. That Grand High Witch and her sword might be powerful but it is clear that she is no match against the demons! There is a reason why Zufmuut told us about this demon."

As the battle rages on, Kagash looks toward the illusion of their leader, Lord Valker, watching the fight from Sadera. "Are you pleased, my lord?"

With a delayed response, Valker said, "Yes. Zufmuut is pleased."

Kagash found it strange that a god was working so directly with mortals; however, she trusts their lord. Zufmuut showed them where the Demon was at Arrun, that it could summon the demon realm, and brainwashed the Apostles to serve the League to prevent them from switching sides.

"Watch, my dear. Remember this day."

--- Rondel, residential district ---

With the greatest threat to Rondel in over a millennium, the towering Balrog continued to ravage the city. Half of the city lay in waste as the Demon destroyed everything in its path. Even with the Rondel, Rose Knights, Imperial Army, and Vanguard-7 united, so far they have only been able to slow the Demon down.

In this strange twist of fate, Lelei couldn't believe the similarities of this moment with the 'Fellowship of the Ring' when Gandalf faced such a monster. It has been hell to contain the Demon, trying to prevent it from destroying everything.

Lelei also found an even stranger sight of Imperial soldiers who were mortal enemies only ten minutes ago assisting the Rangers and Rose Knights. Having no love for the Empire, it has been a struggle to turn her back towards them. Especially how quickly everyone had accepted it. Pina plans to battle against the Demon while Sharpe and Pepreos are setting their trap.

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