V19 - Chapter 224 Destined Unions - Tales of the Clanless

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--- Bordan Forest, Jaridor Region (west of Elies), Falmart Uros ---

Date: March 17, 2015

"I have you now," said a small golden-furred little Neko followed by some childish laughter.

"No, you have to be faster," replied another Neko, her orange fur shining vibrantly in the sun, contrasting with the brown stripes decorating her body.

"Nelia, Pirila, stop it. We are going to get in trouble again," a midnight blue-furred Neko chimed in as well.

"Oh relax, Lartia," Nelia responded while running behind her for cover. She grabbed her shoulders and proceeded to use her as a shield, trying to stay away from Pirila.

"Do not put me in the middle of this," Lartia said as she's dragged around by her shoulders. "You know we are not kids anymore. We are thirteen, you know."

"Nonsense," Nelia replied while laughing. "You are never old enough to have fun."

Pirila lunged at them, barely missing. With her quick reflexes she stood up and said, "I nearly had you!"

Lartia, having had enough of being chased, quickly grabbed Nelia so Piri could tag her. "Got you!" In no time Nelia was tagged.

"Ahhh, you are no fun," Nelia whined.

"Do you want your parents yelling at you again? We all heard them last time."

Nelia merely shuttered at the thought of invoking her mother's wrath. "Okay, okay. Let us get back."

The three young Nekos began making their way back, chatting and teasing each other as they walked. They were each born and raised in the secluded village of Jallua. They spoke about life outside of this boring old town, about wanting to leave and explore the outside world. They fantasized about going on different journeys as an all Neko adventurer group; every so often being reminded of reality by Lartia. But nothing could stop them as they acted out different scenarios on how they would deal with bandits, monsters, and everything else in between. The innocence and optimism of youth still blinding them of the harsh world outside, waiting for them. As they continued their way, Lartia abruptly stopped as she faced the direction of their homes.

"Are you okay?" Pirila asked her.

"What is wrong?" Nelia added.

"Smoke?" Is all she said as she pointed to a massive trail of smoke leading up to the darkening sky. The fumed rose, smothering the sky with ash and embers. Their faces grew pale as their hearts sank.

"Come on. We have to see what is going on. They might need our help," Nelia shouted as she started to sprint forward toward their village, Lartia and Pirila followed behind her. They ran as fast their legs could carry them, panting hard until they finally reached the entrance to the village. Different emotions swelled within them as they witnessed the place, they once called their home up in flames. Screaming could be heard all around coming from different homes, bodies littering the streets, blood splattered wherever they turned. The three Nekos stood there, frozen, wanting so badly to just run to their families and hold them but their legs just wouldn't move. A sudden shout soon reminds them of where they were.

"Over here! I see fresh young ones," shouted a thin, scrawny person. He wore tattered old clothes along with an old, worn-out leather chest armor. The man charged at the girls with a bladed weapon in hand as others, donning similar apparel, followed behind him.

Lartia and Pirila froze up as they approached closer and closer when they felt a sudden tug on their arms. "Run, we need to hide!" Nelia shouted, breaking them out of their gaze. The three began sprinting, faster than they ever thought they could. They ran back out of their village and made their way into the nearby forest, arrows whizzing past them.

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