V21 - Chapter 247 Library of Elaish

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"Today, in front of the Alnus Command Headquarters, the formal Empress of the Empire and Queen of the Eastern Swestual Kingdom has officially surrendered to the now Empress of the Saderan Republic, transferring powers and titles. Empress Piña Co Lada accepted the surrender and the two signed the Treaty of Alnus. As the sole survivor that was not sent for trial on Earth, this has become the final step for peace between NATO, Elbe, the Republican Rebels, and the formal Empire.

As part of the peace treaty, Famulis agreed to a long-term peace between their people. The border will become a demilitarized; zone, however, civilian traders will be allowed. The Eastern Swestual Kingdom will pay an unknown amount of money to help rebuild the economy. It has also established goals of finding alternative ways to expand economic and political ties between the two nations to prevent further conflict.

Following up on the ceremony, questions were asked regarding the new and young Empress and what her plans were. Her response was to have the Senators begin drafting a new Constitution to lay out the future of the new Republic. Current model examples that are being explored are the constitutional monarchy systems of the United Kingdom and Japanese governments.

With the state of the world and how weak the current central government is, the new Republic needs a stronger central leader to help guide and implement the reforms needed for reconstruction. However, the young Empress wants to turn the throne into a figurehead like in the previous two examples, being more of a ceremony or limited leadership role of the nation than an absolute power." - Free Alnus News


--- Library of Elaish ---

Date: August 19th, 2026

Within the lightly lit training chamber, Lelei took a deep breath. She struggled to raise her hand at the target as they felt like string. The air tasted stale as the body tried to consume as much as it could.

"Focus, Lelei," Frayen ordered as he ignored the sweat that was dripping down his face. "You will not have time to regenerate in the battle to come."

"I am trying," Lelei replied.

"Do not try. Just do."

In front of the blue hair mage was the little green fairy - the god of knowledge. As she will be facing a god in the coming battle it made sense to train against one according to Frayen.

Lelei aimed at her staff and quickly channeled her mana. Between her left hand and the staff an electric energy emerged. To stabilize it, she formed a sphere around it to help manage the intensity of the spell. She then hurled the lightning ball against Elange. The ball exploded upon impact with Elange's body.

Seeing the impact, Lelei smiled as she was finally happy that the spell finally impacted Elange. To her frustration though, she saw the fairy hover as nothing had happened.

"I see there is improvement in mana output," Elange said. "However, the spell is still not strong enough. Are you sure this will have enough effect though, Frayen?"

"It worked once before," Frayen answered. "Valker and Zufmuut are powerful; Zufmuut though still needs a host to operate in this realm. We must explode that."

"Frayen..., why do I feel so exhausted?" Lelei asked.

"This chamber was designed to add pressure on the mage," Frayen said.

"Why would you do that?"

"To make you stronger. As I said before, it would be best if you learned to be more efficient and quicker with casting. You still spend too much time preparing your spells and relying on others to protect you. You will not be allowed that luxury in an intense battle ahead of you."

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