V22 - Chapter 257 Faith

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--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 26th, 2026

The reports over the radio have been horrific.

Valker, the Demon God, had wreaked havoc with Charlie's company as they had no weapons that were effective against him. From the Nett feed, it seemed that Valker was trying to destroy their defensive line to allow the Demons to easily exit the Gate. This would result in the enemy flooding the valley and overwhelm their positions within moments. In the mix of the carnage, Valker was turning all the casualties from both sides into ghouls which caused further chaos.

From what he could understand from the Balrogs in the sky, it is causing the bomber fleet a huge headache. He had no idea if the enemy knew about the nuclear bomber or just understood that the US military heavily relied on air power, however, it became clear the demons were trying to contest the skies. Either way, the nuclear option might be off the table making the ground team the only hope to stop this invasion.

"Rory, Taylin," Sharpe said. "Do your best to distract him but don't fully engage. Lelei, Tuka, Yao, come with me. The rest of the team prepared the trap. Bailey, Johnson, protect them and take care of those ghouls."

"Where do you want us, sir?" Andrew asked.

"Randy, take over and assist the other Rangers," Sharpe ordered.

"What about me? I thought you wanted me to have your back?"

"Stay with the team. Valker is smart and will expect something so I don't want to show our cards just yet."

"I understand sir. Good luck."

Seeing the smoke from Charlie's company location, they saw soldiers carrying the wounded away from the hillside. It seemed that the company was overwhelmed and took heavy casualties but from the sound of battle they are still going at it.

Skirmishes from soldiers attacking the ghoul swarm could still be seen all around. Equipment is littered everywhere. Smoke from a laser-equipment Stryker was laying sideways, destroyed. It seemed that Valker took lessons from Sadera and destroyed anything that could harm him. Sharpe found this news good as he realized he could use this against the Demon God. If he was this protective, then he could use that against him.

"Lelei, will you be able to trap him with the containment spell?" Sharpe asked.

"I do not know, it will take me some time to regenerate my mana pool," Lelei said with a tired voice. "I had to drain so much of my mana to kill Galrik. I am sorry."

"As I said, it's not your fault," Sharpe said. "We will use the current situation to our advantage. Tuka, Yao, protect Lelei. Lelei, I am going to lure him down that path."

The girls moved away to get into position. Sharpe then rushed toward the battle.

Once he got there, he saw Valker attacking the soldiers. He tried to warn them however it was too late as he watched the Demon God kill three riflemen while others pull back.

As the soldiers broke their formation to get space between them and the Demon God, the Griffin reversed and fired at him.

The dust settled as the anti-personnel tank round proved to have no effect. Valker began walking toward the light tank. The vehicle fired again and unlike the first time when he phased out, he created a void barrier, deflecting the shot to a group of mages and legionaries. Before a third round could be fired, the Demon God leaped on top of the vehicle.

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