V22 - Chapter 258 Our Destiny, Our Choice

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--- City of Dalko, Great Plains Region ---

Date: August 26th, 2026

Listening over the radio, Lelei heard from Sharpe that Valker was approaching. Once the Demon God got into position, she would attempt to cast her containment spell, preventing Valker from phasing from this reality as well as keeping Valker and Zufmuut from de-merging. Hopefully, this would allow the Holy Spear to kill them once and for all.

"We will try to help you," Tuka said. "Maybe Yao and my mana could help boost yours."

"Try focusing your mana on me," Lelei said.

Feeling drained, Lelei realized how smart Kagash was. In the past, she used her knowledge of Earth science and used it with her magic. With Frayen's guidance, she defeated Valker the first time they met. She has also had an impact on him during Sadera by forcing him to retreat.

Kagash must have known what Lelei would do and planned accordingly. Deplete her mana to the point whatever NATO planned was would be fruitless.

"I see Jackson coming," Yao said.

"Let's do this," Lelei replied.

Placing her hands together, she began chanting as static appeared between her hands.

"Lelei!" Tuka yelled. "Incoming."

Lelei forced herself to change spells and formed a barrier around them. It did not take long to figure out who could have attacked them. Kagash. "Damn her."

"She really knows how to ruin everything," Tuka said.

"You blue haired bitch!" Kagash yelled. Her face covered with tears; her eyes could be mistaken as dragon eyes with the sheer hate that was emitting from her soul. "You killed my husband! We were going to have a beautiful future together. He was going to be free but you..."

"You two destroyed my home," Lelei furiously said. "My first father was killed because of you two. You almost took everything from me."

"That's your fault for siding with Hardy," Kagash madly stated as her hands burned bright red.

She reached out towards Lelei as red whip-like appendages lashed out at her. She quickly reacted by hastily putting up another barrier but with little preparation, it quickly began to crack with each strike.

"Lelei!" Tuka shouted as she prepared to throw a huge blue scorching fireball at Kagash.

"Stay out of this!" The enraged mage spat as she motioned her fingers in her free hand that had earth spikes protruding out from underneath the elf.

Tuka quickly dove and rolled out of the way and took cover behind a nearby boulder. Yao tried to summon multiple sharp ice blocks in the air to strike the Dark witch. Kagash quickly threw her dark fire balls toward them, incinerating all the ice blocks before Yao can throw. As Kagash is distracted with two of her Elven sisters, Lelei prepares to take the initiative before she heard something over the radio.

"Lelei!" Soredin shouted over the radio. "Galrik is still alive. Before I could engage him, he slipped away toward your location."

Lelei couldn't believe what she just heard. She threw everything she had at him and thought that he was finally dead. Half of his body was missing so this should be impossible.

Feeling a tremble on the ground, Galrik landed nearby. The hatred in Kagash's eyes quickly vanished and turned into pure joy. "My love! Did... did Valker bring you back to me?"

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