V20 - Chapter 237 Divine Contract Void

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--- Inside Gummus's Palace, Ticaret, Ticaret Conglomerate ---

Date: August 3rd, 2026

The building shook from a massive explosion from outside. The torches shook, some falling to the ground and catching the rugs on fire.

From the conversation on the radio, Malena concluded that the Rangers and the Legrath Knights were facing the Apostle. It even sounded like there was a traitor, but the details were fuzzy.

"Looks like they are in for one hell of a fight," Malena commented after listening to the radio chat.

"By Deldort's vow! What is going on out there?!" Tyuwal asked in a panicked voice, flinching at every explosion, sound, and vibration. "I have been to the Cin Sedi Wall before and witnessed several battles before, but the only times it was this chaotic was when the Empire attempted a large push with bands of ogres and wyverns!"

"Yeah, you will get used to it." Malena simply replied right after a sigh.

Operating around a war zone for a better part of a year, the loud explosions had become a norm. Looking toward the blue Siren and her fellow prostitutes, she noticed they were covering their ears and looking around with a confused fear in their eyes.

Glancing toward Aldon, she saw they both found the sight amusing, realizing how normalized the Other Worlders weapons had become to them.

She and Aldon took out their bags and grabbed their weapons and gear. After finishing donning their kevlar armors, weapons, and comms, they rushed toward their objective.

"We need to find our target fast," Malena said. "Tyuuwal, where would he be located?"

"Someone..." The building shook again, scaring Tyuuwal as she tried to regain her footing. "Someone like him would be in a special chamber, not in a dungeon. If I recall, he is one more floor above, close to the master chamber."

"Alright," Malena said. "It will be best if you all flee now while you can. Once we find him, it could be a bloody fight all the way out. If you leave now, they will not expect you to work with us."

"No," Tyuuwal said. "Everyone else should go but I want to see this through. In case you get lost, I have been in this place enough times to help with an easy escape."

Slightly annoyed by the blue siren's disobedience, Malena, however, accepted her proposal as the logic made sense. She was just not pleased by having to protect a noncombatant. "Fine, stay by Aldon."

"Why him?"

Aldon laughed and then said, "Because, she is about to put her legs to work."

Shooting the elf a deep glare, she pulled out her twin Kukri blades and looked toward the stairway down the hall. She slowly crouched then, waiting for her opening.

Seeing two guards recently come down, she charged forward. Using her bunny agility of her race to jump between two walls to bypass them, slicing them apart as she passed them.

Once landing on the ground, Malena hopped forward up the stairs, bouncing off the wall to increase her speed.

Seeing another guard at the top of the stairway, Malena speedily cut through him, slicing his head off.

Hearing the sound of armor and steel clashing against each other and the voices of guards acknowledging her, she turned to see five well-armored soldiers standing by a well-decorated door.

With all the chaos going on outside, Malena figured that door must be the objective because of all the commotion outside. It had to be something worth guarding.

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