V17 - Chapter 207 Arrun Labyrinth

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--- Arrun Labyrinth, south of Crety ---

Date: June 10th, 2026

Moving through the forest was easier than expected. The Rangers are used to assaulting fortified bases. The upside of moving through an infected forest is that the chances of running into an Imperial patrol was extremely low, allowing Sharpe to recklessly speed to the ruins. Only a few primary infected forms remained, no larger than groups of five.

They quickly rush inside the ruins as the halls within this temple quickly envelop them in darkness. If it was not for his VISOR, he and everyone else would be blind. The one thing the VISOR cannot solve is the smell.

In addition to the VISOR worn by the Rangers are the Black Hornet II mini-drone and the M14 Scopedog UGV. Both were sent down the other directions to help scout the labyrinth.

"Christ, this place smells worse than that cave you guys call your rooms," Alicia said.

"It is wise not to speak," Tuka said. "Our voices echo in these chambers."

Up ahead, three of the infected are wobbling. Sharpe ordered with his hands to form up. Pina, Jalin, and Alicia line up their composite crossbows.

The three fire their arrows, punching through the infected skulls. Two of the infected fell dead, but one still stands with an arrow in its head, charging forward. Pina and Jalin pull out their swords and cut the infected down.

Once the area is cleared, Tuka fires a flare arrow down the long hallway which draws a few infected out of their hiding spots. They begin attacking the flare as if drawn to it like a moth to the flame.

"Smart Tuka," Pina said. She organizes everyone with bows and crossbows, and they all fire.

The first volley killed two. As the flare dies, the infected start charging them. Pina ordered another volley, finally killing them.

After taking care of those infected, the group quickly followed Tuka and Ferhad down the next pathway. Tuka's elf senses and Ferhad's knowledge of the layout have made moving through the labyrinth quickly. Fast enough that Sharpe feels confident they might get the pear before it is too late.

As they move through the next chamber, Pina approaches Sharpe and whispers, "Maybe we should split up into twos. We can cover more ground."

"I considered that but I think we should stick as one group," Sharpe replied.

The answer surprises Pina. "But, Lelei might turn. If we don't hurry, then we might be too late. I know you want to save her; we all do."

The question hurts Sharpe, reminding him that they only have about five hours when they think she will turn. While he never intended it, he treated Lelei like his flesh and blood, much like Selina. He saw the potential in her, and she has proven herself to be a totally indispensable member of the group. He and Sarah have invested so much time and energy into her, and he would hate this is how it ends.

However, he must remind himself that he is a Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Army. The rank and the duty behind it come with responsibilities, regardless of what his emotions think. It has been part of the job he has always struggled with. Still, it is Lelei, and he would rather turn than let Lelei's life end like this.

"No," Sharpe whispered. "Being in command is like a double-edged sword, Pina. As a military leader, you must accept there will be casualties. The unit must remain your number one priority along with the mission. You cannot sacrifice the unit for one soldier."

"But it is Lelei," Pina said. "And everyone will understand that you will do everything you can-."

"I know that damnit," Sharpe said loudly and then trying to keep his emotions in check. "I want to save Lelei more than anyone. She trusts me; she is more like a daughter to me." While he thinks Lelei as a daughter, the only reason he never made it official was because of her young adult age. Turning eighteen soon and an adult by this world's standards, it was easier to accept a guardian-mentor. "The thing is I am in charge, I cannot sacrifice Andrew, Alicia, Tuka, or even you for one person because I have a personal relationship with them. One day you will have to face such a choice; the life of one cannot replace the unit. Mine or your feelings cannot rise above our responsibilities. It is the curse of being in command, the downside of being a leader."

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