V16 - Chapter 192 Sadera Darkest Fire

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--- Sadera, Royal District ---

Date: May 5th, 2026

Sharpe and the rest of his Rangers engage the Royal Guard. While the bulk of the Guard is fighting at the Akusho District, a large garrison is still guarding the most influential people in the Empire.

With the Rangers is Tyuule's newly created assassin and skirmisher group consisting of extremely agile demi-human militia Warrior Bunnies and Nekos, who are armed exclusively with sharp tekko kagi metal claws. Because there are simply far too many enemies for the Rangers to handle, Sharpe wants them to quickly move around the buildings, harassing and assassinating any Royal Guards they see. Ambushed any imperial legionnaires to enable smooth advancement. Recently, they have to split from Sharpe's group to intercept and take down the large cavalry charges at Sharpe group's position.

Many City-States in Elies Region, Italica, Valtris, and other cities are ending slavery to endorse the new Falmart Economic Trade Agreement. While in Havcristen, Tyuule pointed out that some Bunnies and Neko's are being freed; that is it. Unless it is related to sex or servant jobs, most native merchants and people refuse to hire them because of discrimination.

Because both groups were discriminated against the most, excluding the Darklings, she is afraid that they will seek revenge if they are left on the streets. She decided to take advantages of both race's strength, agility, speed, stealth, and assassination alongs with their hatred toward the Empire to form a skirmish and assassination's support NATO war efforts and enable them to learn skills that will enable them to work in the post-war environment when more Earth businesses be able to start to come to Uros.

Colonel Yang agreed to give her idea a try and granted Sharpe authority to integrate the group. Both saw this operation as an opportunity to test Tyuule's idea.

"Rangers, take cover," Randy orders.

As the Rangers take cover, he sees what Randy saw, archers on the rooftops and behind swordsman's line formation. Arrows raining everywhere.

Knowing it will take a moment for the archers to reload, he points to the Pina, "Knights, Rangers, Shields, and Rifles."

Pina barks orders, and the Rose Knights form a line. They have their ballistic shields and swords out. Suissesse and Elison were armed with compound crossbows. Tuka forms up next to them with her compound bow. All three of them fire explosive arrows at the enemy, destroying the frontal formation and several roof positions.

The Rangers form up behind the Knights. This is a tactic Sharpe had Carlo train the natives, two-line formation. The Knights are upfront, using their shields to protect the Rangers while they pick off targets at range. Together they advance, putting pressure on the enemy position. When the enemy is weak, the Knights attack, clearing out any survivors. Taking strengths from both styles of fighting and combining them.

Randy takes over and orders both units to advance. Just as planned, arrows hit the ballistic shields while the Rangers pick off the enemy. However, two arrows punch through.

As Sharpe watches, he notices the Imperials on the roofs. He sees that some are carrying crossbows and repeater bows—both new inventions within the Empire's arsenal. The Empire is trying to copy NATO-style weapons and tactics with the primitive technology they have.

"Lelei, take care of those crossbowmen. Rory, with me. Once we break ranks, wipe them out."

As ordered, Lelei uses a Wiccan spell she recently learned from Soredin, "Murder of Crows," in which she summons a swarm of ethereal crows to swarm the crossbowmen position disorient them causing them unable to fire at the group.

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