V17 - Chapter 201

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"The United States Army has finished transferring administration duties to the British Army. It is a region known as the 'Old Amosey Land'. This land was once part of an Elvish Kingdom that long since disappeared.

The land is located between the north of the Kingdom of Alguna and the south of the US Territory. Currently, the 79th Infantry Brigade, 40th Infantry Division was responsible for occupying this area. The 79th has been engaging a counterinsurgency campaign in the area, mainly around the town of Jymale. The Empire and the Elbe Resistance have been hiding in the Tasiss Mountains to conduct raids and support slave owners who are upset about paying their slaves.

The list of towns in Amosey consists of the Amosey Ruin Town, a town which was built inside the ruins. Jymale, a farming town. Vaerret, a trading and farming town that borders Alguna. And lastly On the west side of the Row Stream are the towns of Beyros and Ironen.

The British are taking over security, economic, and political administration leadership." - The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters


--- Keelbury Woodland ---

Date: June 2nd, 2026

The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle slides on the trail. A convoy of five JLTVs moving down a path behind enemy lines. Vanguard-7 is assaulting an enemy position by outflanking the Empire through a forest trail.

Specialist Harvey Frost has his new M5 rifle out the window, looking for targets.

In the bushes, two targets appear. "Scott, two targets right, two o'clock."

Private First-Class Marven Scott adjusts the JLTV M2 Browning .50 caliber to the right and opens fire. The two targets are torn apart.

"Target down," Frost reports as they pass.

"Contact! Tactical left!" Sofia calls over NW.

The sound of weapons fire echoes the convoy—an explosion from the team's new Mk 47 Striker grenade launcher destroying the target.

"Vanguard-lead, this is Vanguard Actual, IRS shows Imperialist due west, platoon strength," Second Lieutenant Jenny Greene said. "Permission to engage?"

"Roger that Actual," Sharpe said. "The entire area is hostile, so engage."

Frost sees another target standing by a tree. He aims and fires, hitting the target after a couple of shots.

"Vanguard-lead," Andrew said. "Boulder up ahead, blocking the road."

"Roger that, Andrew," Sharpe said. "Actual, why didn't the IRS detect that?"

There is a short silence from Vanguard-Actual before Greene responds. "I am sorry, sir. Here is a new path."

"All drivers, I have updated your BFT (Blue Force Tracker)," Sharpe said. "We are redirecting right off-road. Lelei will use her magic to cut any objects in our path."

"You have got to be kidding?" Owen said. "Are we really off reading? Isn't their stories of patrols going outside the planned route and getting swarmed?"

Frost heard of stories like that. Usually, squads who made a wrong turn or GPS are glitchy because the bandwidth was over capacity that day. A simple patrol turns into a fight for their lives. Vanguard-1 ran into a situation like that in Elies. Surrounded for three hours before reinforcements were able to break free.

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