V18 - Chapter 218 Hell Rising

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--- Rondel Airspace ---

Date: June 16th, 2026

Time and time again, Frayen has been impressed by the Terran's technological crafts. What they call a C-5 Galaxy cargo plane was able to get them from Fort Defiance helipad by Fillsville to Rondel so quickly.

"You look like you are in deep thought," Giselle commented, sitting next to him.

"I recall conversations I had with my former master," Frayen replied. "We spent many nights wondering what it was like to be in one of these machines. Were they like the belly of a dragon or like one of their jeeps?"

Giselle laughed. "You thought this was like the insides of a dragon?"

"Just like everyone else at the time, we had no idea," Frayen said. "The key point was the wonder of their devices. The challenge my master had. Most men fight for power, wealth, status, or tradition, while my master only saw the challenge the Terrans brought."

"He sounds like a glory hog to me, no different than all the others."

It is rare when Frayen experiences anger, but Giselle saw just that. "It is not glory; it is purity."

"You represent everything that is wrong with us Apostles, Giselle. What makes changes in the world, what influences the lives of millions, what makes a lasting difference is not us. Mortals must create, change the world around them. All moments throughout history, achievements, challenges, are not remembered by other mortals, but by us."

"And that is why I followed my master. He was just a Man and yet took on the greatest military might in Uros history and warped the crisis to fit his agenda. Defeat or fear never once crossed his mind because he knew that history would always remember his name no matter what would happen. The man who challenged both the Empire and NATO and won... even in death his name lives on when we are replaced."

"With all our power, our knowledge, we lack the one thing mortals have, sheer determination for self-preservation. They must earn their station; nothing is given. The day I submitted to a mortal was when my impact on the world multiplied. That is a lesson Rory learned; it is why she followed Sharpe and his comrades. She could have led but decided to support instead, and from that, she has reshaped Falmart into her image through the Terran's actions."

Noticing the red light turn green. The loadmaster escorted them to the back of the plane. The man handed Frayen a bag, explaining that it was a parachute.

Ignoring the bag, Frayen jumped off the plane. Giselle followed suit, grabbed his clothes, and escorted him to the city below. "I see, Rory. Sarah was correct."

"That lady scares me. Too nice for the crazy plan she came up with. Do you think it will work?"

"If we do our part, yes."

--- Rondel ---

Spitting blood onto the brick street, Rory was unable to move as two Apostles had her pinned down. Jasis, the Apostle of Sifilis, the goddess of evil. The other is Evira, the Apostle of La, goddess of learning. "What are you doing here, Mabel?"

"To see you again, Rory. It has been centuries."

"This isn't like you, though," Rory stated. "Why did you leave Avion?" Looking to Envira. "And you were helping the people on the Telirif continent, southeast of Falmart island chain. How did you get here so quickly? And Jasis, when did you side with them?"

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