V14 - Chapter 167 Naminto

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--- Coan Forest ---

March 25th, 2026

Delilah is out with her boyfriend and leader, Captain Bailey Robinson. Vanguard-5 is on a mission, scouting out the Coan Forest. Coming along with them are some High Elves, led by Hodor himself.

"What was your home country like, boss lady?" James asks. "I have been told that you have been with us since the Raid."

She looks at the new guy and smiles. "You are new, correct?"

"Correct ma'am," James replies.

She has not gotten to know James yet. He is new to Vanguard-5. He is not the only one. Over the past six months, Bailey has been getting more Rangers to replace the unit's losses.

Early in the war, half of Vanguard-5 was either killed or wounded during the Elies Forest Campaign from Imperial ambushes (1). During the Raid of Sadera to rescue four Americans and one Brazilian slave, Sergeant Oliver Harris was mortally wounded, and Staff Sergeant Gerald Foley was mauled to death by a Volraden.

She always felt terrible about what happened in Sadera. She convinced General Stanford to rescue her queen, Tyuule from Prince Zorzal(2). Because of that, a part of her thought she was responsible for Bailey's loss of one of his men because it was her idea to save her queen. She was being selfish, and it got strangers hurt.

In the beginning, she was just trying to pay Bailey and the rest of Vanguard-5 back to save her queen. However, it turned into something more, and now she is in love with the man.

Specialist James Ward, Private First-Class Daisy Wallace, Private First-Class Adam Hopkins, and Private First-Class Dohate or known by his Native American name Kiowa are all new to Bailey's command, with James being the most recent.

She thinks about the question and smirks. Normally when a male asks her a question about her people and homeland, it is usually full of ill intent and prejudice. Many Imperial Citizens consider Warrior Bunnies as savages that need to be put down due to the extreme racism toward non-humans.

However, it is different with these Other Worlders. When they ask questions about her people and homeland it is more like a naïve and curious child than ill intent. Furthermore, the Other Worlders maintain a strict policy of anti-racism. As Rory explained it to her, everything to these Other Worlders is new and exotic. While noble and powerful, they lack the general knowledge regarding all the different races on Falmart.

She knows why James is asking that, he previously heard many rumors about her people's society. The stories of a warrior race that consisted of all female Bunnies. He is fantasizing about how a country with over ninety-nine percent female population would be like. She even saw female soldiers fantasizing about it.

"While my homeland doesn't have tall buildings like you. Humans have," she replies. "However, you have these beautiful huts everywhere covered in a sea of flowers."

"When you say huts, do you mean like tribal villages?" James asks.

She replies. "Yep, we bunnies are a tribal society and a very social people. We were always outside together, working as one community. We don't treat huts like your people's houses."

Daisy looks back at her as she walks. "I hear your kind have lots of offsprings much like bunnies with their fecundity."

She looks to the only other female soldier on Bailey's team. "Not quite, we look like bunnies, but we don't breed abundantly like normal bunnies. It is to prevent overpopulation."

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