V19 - Chapter 226 Operation Trasimene Pt.1

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--- hidden command bunker, Elies Region ---

Date: July 21st, 2026

The growing pain slowly built within Legatus Fabius Aulus' head as his commanders explained the current news. It was official, his army was officially cut off from the eastern part of the Empire. The sudden beachhead by the enemy toward the north cut off troops and supplies.

"Legatus, it might be wise to pull back into the mountains," a Senior Centurion proposed. "We can use the Hunto Mountain Range as cover."

"There will be no retreat," Katsuo, the gray-leonoid Oprichnina said. "You will stay here and protect Thaluilas until your last breath."

Placing a hand on his forehead, Fabius burst in annoyance, "You will get your wish Katsuo. We all will lay here dead at this rate. My Senior Centurions are correct; retreating to the mountains is our only option left."

"The Empire has never retreated in a war-," Katsuo stated before being silenced by one of the Centurions.

"The Empire has never faced such an opponent. And what is the point of defending this place if we run out of men faster than the enemy? At least by retreating, we can preserve our force and fight for another day, not all die together by staying and fighting futilely against an overwhelming force!" Senior Centurion Tullus Varro rudely interrupted.

"Thank you," Fabius said to his men, then looked toward the Leonoid. "Let me remind you who is in charge here. I am the Legatus, not you. It should be clear, even by you, that this situation is no longer tenable."

Grabbing the blue figure from the large table-map of the region, Fabius placed it on the town called Davolson Den and continued, "With the town taken, we can only retreat west. We will not have enough supplies for the winter, and we cannot wait until our last line of escape is closed from us."

"Let us make it official," Fabius said. "Tell the Army to begin breaking camp."

"What about the Ticaret, Legatus?" Varro asked.

Taking a painful breath, Fabius responded, "Those damned dogs. If they are not late, then they did not bother to show up. I had to get a dwarf. Find them and report-."

Glancing toward the gray-leonoid Oprichnina, Fabius saw a calm demeanor, glancing toward the large map between them. The more he spoke, he realized that Katsuo had shown little resistance toward his plan. Something that he wasn't expecting out of Katsuo. At least not so suddenly.

"What did you do, Katsuo?" Fabius demanded.

The room went silent as all the slaves and soldiers stared toward Katsuo. The leonoid, remained silent, staring toward the map.

After a moment had passed, reacting only to his term, Katsuo grabbed the Ticerat figure, holding it in his hand. He then placed the figure on a forest that is on the other side of the Agaront Stream.

Leaning on the map, Fabius read the forest name, 'The Becwood Forest'. Looking toward Katsuo with hateful eyes, he yelled, "You bastard! How dare you!"

"You refused to act, Fabius," Katsuo calmly said. "Retreat was never an option. With the north compromised, this is the perfect chance to exploit the enemy's weak spot. The Ticaret forces were already heading to the forest."

"For what mad scheme?!" Fabius demanded, slamming his fist onto the table, nearly breaking it.

Katsuo pointed to the Becwood Forest and said, "if the forest is taken, we can use it as cover and as a beachhead. We will be in the striking distance against Havcristen. If we take the capitol, the people of Elies will side with us and we will cut off the enemy troops stationed at Legrath."

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