V20 - Chapter 240 Those That Seek Change and Those That Seek Death

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--- Alnus Army Hospital, Fort Alnus ---

Date: August 3rd, 2026

Filling out the release form, Pina couldn't be happier. After much delay and many near miss in the recovery room, that her brother was finally released from the hospital. It had been two weeks of rehabilitation and therapy until he was deemed ready to leave. While still having a long way to go to fully recover and get used to the fact he is missing an arm, a part of her believes that the hospital wanted to get him out of there as he has not made life easy for the nursing staff.

She looked at her older brother and saw him being helped in his room. The nurse seemed to be concerned about his health with each careful movement that ensured he got up okay.

"You really should stay in bed," the nurse urged. "The doctor said six weeks, not two."

"You people's ability to worry about everything is outstanding," Krysist replied.

"You should listen to them," Pina said. "They know what they are doing."

Krysist merely grunted, "I had to fight multiple times while wounded in the Arena. The only way to heal is to walk off the pain and get back in the Arena."

The nurse stared at the general with a shocked look. She quickly replied, "That is the worst way to recover, which is why many people like you died back in ancient times on Earth."

Krysist glanced at the nurse with a confused and confused look.

Watching the two facial reaction, Pina couldn't help but giggle, seeing the two different mentalities clashing. "Everything will be okay. He will remain what you call, 'light duty.' "

After more lecturing from the nurse about how 'dumb' he was acting, the nurse relented and gave the Empress a list of things he needed to do to help him recover.

Once Pina believed everything was finished, two more nurses approached while pushing a wheelchair. One of them said, "We are ready to check you out. Please, sit-down sir."

Noticing a confused look coming from her brother, Pina explained, "It is a standard policy that patients must leave in a wheelchair."

Krysist stared at the wheelchair, then at the nurses, and then at his missing hand. Frustrated, he boldly stated, "I lost my hand, not my legs. Do not insult my honor again unless you intend to challenge me."

"Why do you have to act like a Spartan all the time," the nurse chided.

"What is a Spartan?" Krysist asked.

Pina then briefly explained the history of the Spartans from Ancient Greece. Their brought a warrior spirit and never surrender attitude.

"Pathetic!" Krysist said. "You people used to be tough but those fancy trinkets of yours have made you all weak for centuries compared to your ancestors."

That said, Krysist walked past the nurses and headed out of the building.

"I am so sorry, ladies." Pina apologized to the nurses on behalf of her brother before heading out of the hospital to catch up with him.

"You did not have to be rude," Pina said. "They were just doing their job." Expecting a response, she was surprised that her brother said nothing. "I see... follow me, and I will take you to your quarters. The military created a section for their allies on Falmart."

As the two walked through the crowd of military personnel, Krysist noticed how busy the base was. "So, this is Alnus everyone kept talking about."

"Yup," Pina said. "It is mostly military. Most of the hardware has been moved to other cities. You should have been here when it was still small."

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