V14 - Chapter 173 Trick or Treat

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"The White House Press Conference room has commented on the recent conversation about the US' policy on nuclear weapons.

After the Attack on Philadelphia last year, some citizens within the United States proposed either nuking the Empire or detonating a nuke as a show of force. The idea behind this is to end the war as quickly as possible.

The military has stated that the United States has a 'No Weapons of Mass Destruction' policy against non- nuclear states, of which the Empire fits snugly inside.

The Military stated during the meeting that launching a nuclear strike against cities like Rondel, Havcristen, Bellnahgo, or the capital Sadera would be counterproductive to the war effort. All three cities have economic, historical, political, and strategic significance post-war. Besides, the death toll will be over five million if all of those cities were to be nuked.

Besides the massive death toll of civilians, the complete destruction of one of these cities would send a ripple effect throughout the continent. The military compared the ripple effect to their experience in the 2003 Iraq War, where the Iraqi Military was foolishly disbanded. After that policy, Iraq went off in flames for over ten years as insurgency groups tried to take over the country. Coalitional Forces had to fight a bloody occupation to end the insurgency to which Iraq is still recovering today. The Military is afraid of a repeat event on a continental scale.

The other reason from The Pentagon is that nuclear weapons do not bring any strategic value to the military arsenal or provide solutions. Once the weapon is used, that area that was nuked no longer can be used in any capacity. Because of the layout of the many mountain ranges, passage through the regions is limited. Important land that can be used for farming, transportation, or future development. More importantly, the radiation could affect passing US, NATO, and civilian personnel that travel near ground zero.

Precision-guided munition has been more effective on a strategic and tactical level, allowing targets that need to be hit without having to level the surrounding environment.

The idea of doing a detonation as a demonstration to shock fear in the Empire would only have a limited effect. Even for a small yield warhead, a location will have to be found so the explosion and radiation would not affect the civilian population or NATO personnel. In addition, the same issues from using a warhead on a city apply.

The key issue with the demonstration proposal is how would it affect the Empire? Imperial officials would have to witness the explosion in some manner for them to believe the devastation of a nuke. The flow of information on Falmart is mostly controlled by the Empire and is limited to hand-delivered notes or word of mouth. Getting the message to the general population to the point they demand an end to the war would be a major obstacle assuming they believe it at all. Furthermore, the imperial government is notoriously prideful and, in some ways, delusional due to their extreme supremacist and fanatical chauvinism belief, a belief that has been rooted within them for centuries due to their six hundred years of existence and endurance against many threats that severely threatened its existence much like the Roman Empire with over 2000 years of undisputed ruling so they are not willing to bow down to any kinds of greater powers. No matter how much sheer power is demonstrated to them or how many losses they take to the face so far by our superior weaponry,the Imperial force continues to hold on to their extremely unshakable belief that they can win no matter how the cost becomes. much like the Romans of the ancient past. Historians, political, and social commentators state that the Saderan Empire, and the Falmart League in general, are still in a young and immature state of civilization development to comprehend the concept of "No Empire lasting forever." Finally, modern and progressive values and norms from Earth, like policies that go directly against the perfomance of slavery, racial equality, and gender equality, as well as the physical presence of NATO itself, also pose tremendous threats to the ruling power of the Imperial Family and their allies' ruling government in Uros. As a result, like religious fanatics, a lot of people within the Imperial forces will willingly fight against astronomically overwhelming odds just to preserve their backward ideology and remaining positions of power.

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