V21 - Chapter 248 The Battle for the Spear

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--- Tel Megiddo, Armageddon, Jezreel Valley, Israel ---

Date: August 20th, 2026

"I found it!" Fredo Donini said over the radio.

"I will meet you up top," Sharpe responded.

"I will meet you on the surface," Fredo Donini replied. 

Setting down the tools, Sharpe left the crew as they began gathering their equipment. He quickly navigated through the ruins, following all the markings that were left on the walls and headed back to the surface, where he saw the professor holding the Holy Spear. For an ancient weapon that was buried for thousands of years, it looked like it was freshly made.

Seeing the relic, Sharpe stopped just far enough to be outside arm's length. As the professor started to put the spear in a box, he pulled out his sidearm and aimed it directly at the man.

"Jackson, what are you doing?" Fredo Donini asked as he stared down the barrel of the Colt 1911 pistol. "Aren't we on the same side?"

"Place the spear on the table and walk over there," Sharpe ordered.

The Israeli soldiers all aimed their weapons at the two, confused about what was happening. Sharpe ignored them and kept his aim directly at the professor.

"Are we?" Sharpe asked. "You are not Fredo Donini. The guy I met on Falmart was giddily and excited but scared of being in a dangerous environment. And yet, when those terrorists engaged us, you didn't even flinch.

On top of that, you know precisely where the spear was. Everything here has been too easy. We are talking about the Holy Lance; thousands of people have dedicated their lives and failed to find it. We just happen to find it in a day?"

The Israelis looked among themselves, realizing what Sharpe said made sense. Many lowered their weapons while others aimed at the professor.

Fredo Donini chuckled and looked at the spear. "It did cross my mind that you might of noticed my lack of reaction."

Hearing the confirmation Sharpe needed, he began to give orders to the Yahalom, however he noticed that they were all missing. Quickly looking in all directions, he found he was alone, that everyone had vanished beside the professor.

"I have nothing but respect for you, Sharpe; however, I cannot allow you to have this Spear," Fredo Donini said. "We have kept this weapon safe since and cannot risk it being used by mortals."

Sharpe refocused his pistol, aiming directly at the professor's head. Besides continuing the conversation, he pulled the trigger. The .45 bullet went straight through the professor's head, but it passed through his head like an illusion as no blood was spilled.

"Shit...," Sharpe mumbled.

"Shit, Indeed," Fredo Donini jokingly said. "Trust me, you do not have to fear me."

Sharpe became very concerned about what the professor said. He realized that he was facing off with some kind of mystical being. How the bullet passed through his head initially made him assume that the professor was a mage like Soredin. However, then the man mentioned the word "mortals", indicating that he is some kind of mythical being rather than a mage.

"I can see the fear in your eyes," Fredo Donini pointed out. "I do think you deserve some answer after coming this far. First, you may call me Apollo."

Sharpe watched as the clothing Apollo wore faded away and replaced it with ancient Greek armor. "Apollo...," he mumbled. "Is this a joke?"

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