V15 - Chapter 186

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"After the recent public hearings, Congress has agreed to fund additional troops to Falmart. The current US level is currently at 110,000 with NATO nations representing the other 40,000.

The Defense Department is planning on deploying 70,000 soldiers to Falmart - most of the deployed units will be coming from newly reactivated Divisions. This will bring the US troop total from 110,000 to 180,000 troops by the end of the year. The Pentagon has stated that they need 200,000k to occupy more enemy territory and solidify their position so many expect Congress to fund additional forces. This troop surge is from the general mobilization of troops from the President's speech last year after the Raid on Sadera.

The President requested Congress for the reactivation elements of the 2nd Armored, 5th Infantry Divisions, 5th Marines along with an addition of five more Air Force squadrons and the creation of the 25th Space Wing. With the formation of the Falmart League, Congress agreed to fully fund an additional two more Divisions; World War Two General Patton's famous Division, the 4th Armored Division and the 9th Infantry Division.

Many NATO and NATO allied nations have agreed to increase their troop levels. The United Kingdom announced they will increase their troop level to 13,000 to 17,500. France from 13,000 to 17,000 and Italy 8,000 to 13,000. Poland, 3,500 to 5,000, and Japan has announced that they will increase their forces from 5,000 to 9,000 with Canada going from 9,000 to 13,000. Denmark and the Netherlands will be increasing their levels from 500 to 700 each. Turkey, from 2,000 to 3,500. Australia, from 4,500 to 8,000.

With the upcoming NATO Summit, both Brazil and Colombia agreed to increase their troop levels. Colombia, from 2,500 to 3,000, and Brazil, 3,000 to 5,000.

Many of the smaller NATO nations, like Estonia, Czech Republic, Romania, and North Macedonia, while mainly playing a logistical role, agree to expand their operations in the occupation.

Many wonder what the NATO nations will discuss during the upcoming NATO summit. The main focus of the summit will be the war and how to handle the post- war security situation on Falmart. There have been rumors on reforming NATO to allow non-e European and North American nations into the organization - upgrading the organization from a continental military alliance to a global one. Secretary-General Edgar Alarie of France has dismissed any ideas of that as a pure rumor, however.

Even with the dismissal, many non-NATO countries will be allowed to watch the summit." - National Interest


--- Bura Forest, Northern Wood Elves Kingdom ---

"Any last words before I send you to meet Hardy, Moira? You Moon Elves consider yourselves the most elite of elves however you are only mercenaries," Lashin states.

"You should have joined the League when you have a chance Lashin! Not only you can seek the revenge you want, but you can join us in doing the sacred duty to protect this world from barbarians that seek to ruin all!! You might win this time, but they will not forgive your transgression, and once the League is done with NATO, you and your people will suffer!" The Moon Elves Commander, Moira states.

"Thank you for showing me that some assassins are willing to stab themselves," Lashin mocks as he stabs Moria in the throat, ending his life.

"That's the last of them," Haoulis states as he looks at the decimated Imperial legion.

Four days ago, an Imperial legion with Moon Elves' contingent's sent to punish the Wood Elves Kingdom for boldly rejecting the invitation to join the Falmart League. Due to Lashin's cunning and strategic reputation, Svenhard enlisted the Moon Elves for help as the Moon Elves have experience dealing with Wood Elves. However, Lashin has anticipated this kind of retaliation and enchanted the forest near the kingdom entrance to detect the movement of the Imperial force.

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