V16 - Chapter 195 Battleplans

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"London Police has reported to Parliament that they have recorded three thousand, six hundred and sixty-nine people have arrived at the London King's Cross railway station over the past month. Since the world discovered that magic is real on Earth people have been coming to this station and running to the walls. According to transportation records, people worldwide have been arriving at this station, organizing on social media.

There are hundreds of videos posting on social media of people running into brick walls. Many who rammed themselves into these walls had to go to the hospital for serious injuries.

These people believe that the Harry Potter fantasy world is real, that if they go to the railway station, they will be able to ride the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts. There have been repeating attacks, riots, and assaults. Public property has been damaged, and mass delays in the train schedule because of people's volume.

J. K. Rowling has publicly stated she met some mages, including Mrs. Southiel from the New Forest Coven, and from them, she gained inspiration. The Coven goal was to test and see the world's reaction to magic and how warming it would be. It is believed Harry Potter's success is an early motivator to go public.

Both J. K. Rowling and Mr. Youdan publicly stated that Hogwarts is just a story and there is no hidden door at the London King's Cross railway station. Those people do not want to travel to London and see for themselves.

Simultaneously, Mrs. Rowling also stated that she will endorse the upcoming opening sale of flying brooms and carpets by the New Forest Coven. Many fans can't wait to ride the flying brooms themselves and even suggest organizing a quidditch match in the future. However, the authority is concerned about the safety application of such unsafe transportation." - Lotus Eaters.


--- Sadera, Throne Room ---

Date: May 15th, 2025

Famulis sits on her throne, watching the men talk. Her husband is pacing back and forth, ranting about how much he hates the enemy and how his plan almost worked. Moon is sitting at a table. The leader of the Talis Knights, a Minotaur called Torturis, The Dwarf King Halmas Darkchin of the Golrash Kingdom, and others are also in the throne room. The fat man from the Ticaret Conglomerate is taking up three seats, Mortimer Gummus.

Famulis can see the hate in Moon's eyes. Pina murdered his wife during the battle, and he nearly lost his son. Half of his face is horribly scarred from burns from the explosion in Akusho as he protected his daughter, in which he has to wear a mask to hide his half disfigured face. His attack, overall, was a success, killing many enemies and purging the enemy spy network from Sadera. His plot to feed misinformation through Diabo has been a significant success, but, despite that, NATO still was able to extract over half of the pro-peace faction, and Diabo, not to mention killing more than half of his men, leading to human resource shortage within Oprichnina.

Moon had severely underestimated Diabo, his CIA and MI6 buddies as they were one step ahead of him and his Oprichinia as they had already planned their escape long before that and tricked him and his men into that forsaken warehouse to die. Famulis admitted that she also mistakenly underestimated Diabo as she should have known that he is far smarter than Zorzal, and he inherited Molt's intelligence, not to mention his reclusive nature made it perfect for him to plan things before people back.

Mortimer Gummus joined the war for business opportunities with the Empire. He wants to spread throughout the Imperial economy to become wealthier. While he never said it out loud, she quickly figured out his long-term plans. He wants to use that wealth and glory to overthrow the Ticaret House system and become a dictator.

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