V15 - Chapter 181 Going Down

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--- Sadera Capital, Imperial Palace ---

Date: April 14th, 2026

Zorzal is at the dinner table eating a large steak. He is happy about the recent good news as the bulk Ticaret army has arrived to reinforce the Imperial position and the Moon Elves have succeeded in destroying the bridge in Naktai that serves as primary supply route to the Greater Elies Region.

"Have you sent the delegate to meet Lashin yet?" Zorzal asks.

"Yes your highness, we sent them a week ago to meet Lashin to invite him and his Northern Wood Elves Kingdom to join our league," Herm states.

As part of his Falmart League agenda, he has been trying to recruit as many allies he can into the League. Not just countries, but warrior tribes as well. Anyone who can help defeat NATO.

"Excellent!" Famulis states, "Lord Lashin is one of the most skilled tactician and strategist of all the Wood Elves Kingdoms! Despite his kingdom's army being smaller than the Swestual Kingdom, he repelled my army many times in the past with wit alone! Having him on our side will give us more leverage against NATO."

"Tell me about it!" he says as he eats, "it is said that man even repelled many of the imperial attacks on his kingdom too in the past."

"We recently had General Hasulo on our side, although it is quite difficult due to some careful 'persuasion' involved, but nevertheless our strength is increasing tremendously. We will score a major victory against NATO!" Svenhard Moon says.

Zorzal looks around the table seeing much optimism among his top generals. While there have been setbacks in the war, there has been some progress.

He then sees three Royal Guards with a message with them walk in.

"Your highness, I have news about the delegate who went to the Northern Kingdom," a messenger states.

"So will Lashin join us? I bet he will since Princess Selina is the ultimate price for this alliance," Famulis confidently states.

"Princess Selina... why does that name sound so familiar," he thinks to himself.

"Wasn't she promised to you by the Edras nobles?" Svenhard points out.

He snaps his fingers, "I remember now, the Edras nobles sold her to me as part of a peace treaty."

The Edras elites sold out the royal family as a way to gain power. They turned to the Empire for help in their coup. They become the new leaders of Edras and in return they become vassals to the Empire. Selina was promised to Zorzal as part of the peace process.

"I completely forgot about her," he says with a chuckle, "the war has been distracting. I wonder what happened to her."

Svenhard looks to Zorzal. "We know Lashin has been waging war with Sharpe."

"That means the Princess is with him," Famulis says, "just like with Rory. Why is it that everything seems to revolve around this man? What I know from Jasis is that he is as tough as Kryist as she failed to enslave his mind"

"There is something you must see my lords," the messenger says. He brings in a large wooden box and opens it. The content shows the heads of all the delegate members that were sent to meet Lashin.

Seeing the box full of heads, he stands up in shock.

"What the hell is this?" he shouts in confusion.

"Your highness he also sent you a note too," the messenger gives the note to Zorzal and Famulis.

The note simply reads, "We want vengeance, not to commit suicide. Do not send anymore people to come and persuade me and my kin to join your cause or else no one will - Lashin"

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