V15 - Chapter 178 Adventurers Day

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"A recent report that came out of the University of Yale comparing the current situation of the Empire to the Roman Republic during the Second Punic War. During that war, the Roman Republic lost about four to five hundred thousand soldiers out of the estimated seven hundred and seventy thousand deaths. The economy was nearly destroyed, and most of the elite and experienced leadership died. And yet, Rome did not just win the war; it decisively defeated the Carthaginian Empire. Rome was still contained within the Italian Peninsula and not yet an empire, as most people remember it.

The report estimates that the Empire has suffered more than two hundred and eighty thousand casualties, far less than the Roman Republic. Rome was still contained within the Italian Peninsula and not yet an empire. Unlike the Empire, most people remember it where it is a continental-size country on par with the Mongol Empire(1).

There are critical differences between the two. For one, the Second Punic War was spread out over twenty years, while the current war with the Empire has only been going on for over a year. Another is that the Empire's economy is between four and six times larger than that of the Roman Republic. A third difference is the Roman Republic had a population between sixty to seventy million, while the Empire is estimated to be around two hundred and ten million but only half of that is considered citizens. However, multiple sources claim other numbers.

The significant takeaway from the report came from the fact that a younger and smaller Roman Republic was able to sustain similar losses both in the workforce and in the economy; the Empire should have more resources to mobilize, which it has used to form the Falmart League.

The report concluded with these resources' advantages, they have only been able to inflict around six hundred casualties on the NATO Expeditionary Force. The lopsided numbers are thanks to superior technology and training. However, it also represents the fact that one of the biggest reasons why the Imperial force still thinks they can win this war is because of the large reserve of manpower and resources they are able to throw at the firing lines of NATO force and despite being significantly weakened and suffered daily massacres, the Falmart League is still considered to be dangerous.

As the war becomes intense and NATO forces keep stretching in the front lines, PMCs have now been called in to cover the fronts that NATO cannot effectively cover as well as to do some security operations. There are at least 4 PMCs groups present in Uros: Triple Canopy, G4S, FDG and MRPI. It is reported that PMCs are often in charge of protecting the oil field in the Elbe Kingdom from rebel and Imperial forces. Some reports said they are also contracted to harass the Imperial force.

In other new, several days ago, the whistleblower hacker group, the Anonymous, leaked an intel from Uros stating that the Imperial force is in liege with a secret sinister group that can mind control people and several NATO personnel had been brainwashed by them but were deprogrammed before they could cause any significant harm. The NSA tried to hide this information from the public to avoid panic that the enemy from beyond the Gate can potentially control the leadership of the Earth government if left unchecked. The NSA has declared this information as a hoax" – Inverse News.


Date: April 10th, 2026

--- Haina Forest, 30 miles from Alnus, eastern Italica ---

Myuute stands there as she watches the battle. "I have to admit; they are brave."

"I take it this is a legit Adventurer mission?" Miloslav asks as he stands next to her.

"Yes," she replies. "This is why the Empire created the Guild for a situation like this. And they don't call them missions; they call them quests."

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