Great Hall

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(A.N y'all like my meme or what?)

A few weeks have passed and Ayla hasn't talked to Tom or Mattheo ever since the argument in the common room. Ayla, Viola, and Blaise were sitting in the great hall eating breakfast. The door flung open with Seamus yelling at the top of his lungs.

"He's been sighted!! He's been sighted!!" He ran over to Harry. The three all exchanged looks.

"Who?" Neville asked.

"Sirius Black!!" He answered. Ayla slowly got up and walked over. Viola and Blaise followed closely behind. Everyone moved out the way for her and she pushed past Harry. She grabbed the article and Viola read it aloud.

"Looks like he's been spotted near Dufftown." She said. Blaise looked at Ayla, concerned.

"That's not far Hogwarts! You don't think he'll make it to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville asked. Viola looked at Ayla waiting for an answer.

"Looks likes a family reunion." She said. She looked at everyone around her. They stared at her fearfully except for Hermione. She looked disguisted.

"Heard that everyone!! Looks like Black's daddy's coming to Hogwarts." She yelled. Everyone got more scared.

"Hermione. Don't." Harry said. Ayla and Hermione just stared at each other.

"Granger, what the fuck did Ayla do to you?" Viola asked.

"Yeah, what did I do?" She asked. Hermione stayed silent. "Ever since I met you, you have been nothing but a judgemental, jealous, rude little bitch!"

"Yeah, Ayla!!" A slytherin yelled.

"Why would I be jealous of a psychopath like you?"

M: She's not even psycho tf

L: I don't like her

"Please, only an idiot would be stupid enough to call a psychopath a psychopath." hermione looked at her. Harry shook his head. "Plus, how am I a psycho?"

"B-b-because!" She stuttered.

"B-b-because what?" Ayla imiated. Hermione stood there lost in her own words. "That's what I thought." She walked out the great hall leaving Granger stunned. Viola and Blaise followed behind. They walked to the common room and sat on the couches. Blaise looked at Ayla and  laughed.

"My bestie's a badass!!" He chuckled. Viola and Ayla joined in on the laughter.

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