The dress

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Ayla laid on Viola's shoulder as Snape rambled about the upcoming ball. The Yule Ball, to be exact. The girls were excited however Ayla not so much. The trauma of her grandmother's gatherings and balls left her uninterested.

"Be happy, it's a ball." Vi muttered.

"Yeah and I've been to many." She said.

"Well, you're with your friends. You're with me." Vi said. "We will dance until we drop."

"What would I do without you?"


"Precisely." The girls giggled.

"Now, get up. Pick a partner and dance." Snape said. The girls rose to their feet but most of the boys stayed seated. Ayla saw Pansy drag Draco onto the dance floor. Vi and Ayla said he looked brain dead dancing with her. They laughed as she stepped on his foot. Again.

"Ladies." Enzo said standing in front of the girls. "Viola Josslyn Snape, may I have this dance?"

"Yes, you may." She said as they left to the dance floor. Ayla saw a hand reach out in front of her.

"Ayla Estelle Black-"

"Don't even." She cut him off. "Be a little more original, Mattheo."

"Well, love, dance with me?" He asked.

"I don't know. I see Adrien Pucey quite interested over there." She teased.

"Don't start. Because I will break his fingers." The boy threatened. "Now, get up. And dance with me." She grabbed his hand as they walked onto the dance floor. His hand fell on her waist and his other still intertwined with hers.


B: I might just cry

"You're quiet the dancer, Mr Riddle." She said.

"I try." He said. "But I do hope it's up to your standards, Miss Black."

"Can you stop flirting? It's making me sick." Draco said as the two past him and Pansy.

"How are your toes?" Ayla asked.

"Get fucked." He muttered back.

"Why do you think I'm here, Malfoy?" Mattheo said. Ayla hit his chest as he laughed.

"Make that joke infront of her father and you will not live to see another day." Blaise said.


Ayla laid in bed as her father barged into her room with a box. She moved her head and saw him sitting at the end of her bed with the box by his side.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Open it." He said. "It's a present." She sat up as she removed the ribbon from the box and removed the lid. Her jaw dropped as she grabbed the dress folded inside. It was a burgundy red silk dress. Underneath was matching jewellery. A gold necklace with a red ruby carved into a heart. A gold bracelet with an 'A' carved on the inside and a ring. "I had the bracelet made but everything else was your mother's. You like them?"

"Dad, these are beautiful." She said.

"I have to make sure my daughter looks good for her date." He said. "I'm guessing you're going with Riddle?"


J: we can't be too sure

M: James, any chance of Ayla and Harry is probably lower than 10%

J: so, there's a 10% chance?

"I don't know. Haven't decided who I'm going with yet." Ayla said. "And it's not like he's asked me yet."

"Do you want him to ask you?" Sirius asked.

"Do you want me to go with him?"

"I only want what's best for you, pup. And if you going with Mattheo Riddle makes you happy then I will consider trying to him." He said. Ayla frowned at her dad but smiled.

"Who are you? And what have you done to my father?" She joked.

"I mean it! I'm taking a page out of the Remus Lupin handbook."

"So, uncle Moony put you up to this?" She questioned.

"No. I am accepting my daughter dating the son of Voldemort." He said.

"I'm not dating him." Her father gave her a look which she read as 'you sure?'. "I'm not!"

"I give it a week."

"A week til what?!" She questioned.

"You'll see, Cub. You'll see." He exited the room leaving Ayla looking at her gift. Vi and Blaise walked into the room and saw Ayla holding her dress. Vi gasped and rushed to her bed.

"IS THIS YOUR DRESS?" She exclaimed. Ayla nodded. "Ayla, it's fucking gorgeous!!"

"You'll look stunning. Mattheo won't keep his eyes off you." Blaise said.

"Or his hands." Vi teased.

"Who says I'm going with Mattheo?" She asked.

"Him." Vi and Blaise said in unison. She rolled her eyes and looked back at her dress.

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