The Visitors

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Meanwhile, Ayla was brushing her teeth getting ready for the shopping trip, her uncle had some visitors. The door was knocked on at least three times before someone opened it. Entered the house was a kinda tallboy, at least 5'10, in a black suit with his suitcase in his hands. Lucius and Draco welcomed the boy inside the house and they sat down at the breakfast table.

"Draco, go get Ayla to meet our guest," Narcissa asked. He nodded and walked upstairs. He knocked on her door but she didn't answer. He slowly opened the door and saw the owl there. He frowned and called out to his cousin. He saw the bathroom door slightly open and walked over to it. He pushed it open to see his cousin in a tight-skin black mid-thigh dress and short heeled boots. She was applying some mascara on her lashes and he saw her hair perfectly straight. She saw her cousin's reflection in the mirror and got a fright.

"For Merlin's sake, Draco!! Knock or at least say something." She said panicky. 

"Sorry," He apologised.

"You scared the shit out of me," she exclaimed. "Now, get out." He left the room and walked back downstairs. 

She put her mascara wand back in the bottle and got a jacket from her closet. She took one more look in the mirror and back at the owl who was still at her window. He nodded and she walked downstairs. She saw her aunt motioning her to hurry up and then walked back into the room. She started to walk to her aunt until she almost tripped over a suitcase. She noticed the initials M.R writing in gold on the suitcase. M.R? Who's the fuck is that? She thought.

She walked into the dining room to see Draco, her aunt and uncle and two dark-haired boys.

"Finally, we've been waiting. Food's been getting cold," Lucius said before she sat down in front of the two boys. "Ayla, this is Enzo Birkshire." He introduced and one of the boys smiled at her and shook her hand. "And this is Mattheo Riddle."

Author's note: 😏

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