And they were roommates...

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Ayla and Pansy went to their dorm that they shared together. There was one spare bed which they didn't really care about. They started to set up their beds and their clothes and wardrobes. A girl with pitch-black hair walked into the dorm and looked kinda scared.

"Hi, umm is there a spare bed in here?" She said. Pansy was about to say something until Ayla interrupted her.

"Yeah, there's a spare bed over there." She said pointing to the empty bed.

"Thank you, I'm just hiding from this girl who is a total bitch. Wait, you guys aren't friends with Astoria Greengrass, are you?" She asked.

"Oh, definitely not!!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Who?" Ayla asked.

"She's this second-year girl who thinks she's the best girl in the world. She has this crazy obsession with Draco."

"Like you don't."

"Shut up!"

"I don't think we introduced ourselves. I'm Ayla and this is Pansy. What's your name?"

"Viola. Viola Snape." 


D: Lily?


M: When did Snivelous have a kid?

J: The real question is with who?

"When the fuck did Snape have a kid?" Pansy asked.

"More like with who?" Ayla asked. "For Snape's daughter, you have good genes. Probably from her mother."


"I didn't think someone would have a worse father than Ayla and Mattheo combined," Pansy said.

"Shut up, Pansy."

"Who's your father?"

"Sirius Black."

"Damn. No offence but his picture on the Daily Prophet is actually pretty hot." Viola admitted.

"Bruh, I thought I was the only one," Pansy exclaimed. Ayla looked at the two girls, disgusted.

"No, so many girls think he's so hot. Even though he's a murderer."

"Maybe, it's just something about bad boys. Like I'd let him stab me and I'd apologise."

"Literally though!!"

"AARRGGHH!!!!! SHUT UP!!! THAT'S DISGUISTING!!! NO!!" Ayla felt like she was about to vomit.

"I like her, can she stay?" Pansy asked.

"Sure whatever. I don't care but PLEASE for the love of Merlin, don't talk about my dad THAT way."

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