School yay

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The next morning, Viola woke the girls up at 7:30 in the morning.

"Vi, it's too early!!" Ayla groaned.

"Bitch, I'm up," Pansy said and took the blankets off Ayla to reveal her body covered by nothing but an oversized Beatles shirt that belonged to her father. She wore a pair of short shorts underneath but you couldn't see those. "Woke your ass up!!"


"Mattheo!!!" Pansy yelled. Ayla scoffed.

"Vi, can you go get Mattheo, please?" Pansy asked. Then the girl left the room.

"Fuck you, Pans."

"Looks like your getting your consequence after all."

"Shut up. Wake me up in five minutes." Three minutes passed and Viola came back with the Riddle boy.

"What?" he asked. Pansy pointed at the sleeping girl and he scoffed.

"Wake her up, please." Pansy pleaded. He sighed.

"Fine," He walked over to her bed. He laid down on his side next to her. "Ayla, get up."

"No. Let me sleep." She turned her body away from him. He looked at Pansy to see she and Viola weren't there. He rolled his eyes and smiled. His attention went back to Ayla and he rested his chin on her arm.

"Come on, love. Get up." He whispered. She looked at him and turned over. She looked at the boy before closing her eyes again and cuddling up against the boy.

"No." He lifted her chin and forced her to look at him.

"We have school, doll. You need to go." She didn't close her eyes this time.

"Surely, we can skip."


"Yeah, me and you."

"Fuck me." He muttered under his breath.

"What?" Ayla smiled knowing she knew exactly what he said.

"Nothing. You sure you want me to stay?"

"Actually, maybe we should go to school," Ayla said getting up from bed and walking towards the bathroom. She grabbed a towel and put it over her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Mattheo asked.

"Having a shower? Why you wanna join?"

M: She's sooo leading him on.

J: It's funny

L: Poor boy

D: Lily, with her doing this she's gonna end up catching feelings for him
but he's so gonna catch them first.

M: No shit, hun. It's the funniest thing ever

"I mean since you asked." The moment he got up from the bed, Ayla ran to the door and locked it behind her. She took off her shirt and her shorts and underwear. She turned on the shower and it was steaming hot. Just how she liked it. She closed her eyes and let her shoulders relax as the hot water hit her back.

J: I think he forgets alohomora exists

M: Wait for it...

She was too relaxed to realise Mattheo found a way to get in.

"You really think I wouldn't find a way in?" He questioned. Ayla's eyes opened and saw the silhouette of the boy through the steamy glass.

"What the fuck?" She muttered. She saw the silhouette walk towards the shower and she faced the other way. The boy analyzed the girl's body quickly with his eyes but slowly and softly with his hands. His hands started from her waist down to her hips. Ayla stood there quietly. His arms wrapped around her stomach and he pulled her body closer to him. "What are you doing?"

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