Making amends

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Ayla explained to her cousin and her friends about what happened with Harry Potter and they were furious. Draco would bump into Harry on purpose whenever they walked past. Pansy gave Hermione dirty looks only for Granger to give them back. Blaise put bleach in Ron's shampoo that didn't wash off for a week. When Weasley walked into the great hall everyone laughed. Ayla's jaw dropped and she burst out laughing. He walked over to Ayla and yelled at her,


"I didn't do that." She said.

"Who else would?" He screamed. She shrugged. 

"Whoa, tryna be like me, Weaslebee?" Draco teased. Making Ayla laugh more.

"You're a fucking psychopath. Why don't you go to Azkaban with your bloody father?" He spat. Ayla rose her eyebrow.

"Are you done? You know constantly calling me a psycho because that's all you can say. Hopefully, the bleach affects your brain giving you common sense." She said. Ron was furious.

"So, it was you?" She tilted her head in confusion. "You put bleach in my shampoo!"

"I never said I did."

"Well, how would you know what was put in my shampoo was bleach?" Draco and Blaise laughed at the idiot. Mattheo shook his head and smirked. Ayla slapped her mouth to keep her from laughing. "What? What the fuck's so funny?!"

"Are you stupid or mentally retarded?" She said.

"Oh fuck off." He said walking away leaving the whole Slytherin table dying of laughter.

Ayla has slowly been getting on good terms with her godfather which he was grateful for. She told him the argument with her and Harry, Remus was disappointed.  Remus reminded Ayla it was a full moon tonight so if she needed anything, she'd had to deal with it herself.

"Surely, I can help you tonight." She begged.

"No. End of discussion. I am not putting you in danger." He argued. Ayla pouted. "I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"I know." She moped.

"Please, tell me you've been staying out of trouble." He asked.

"With teachers? yeah. Students? Not really." She admitted.

"Spill. What happened?"

"Well, you know how I told you the argument with me and Potter-" She explained.

"Ah, second name basis. Not a good sign."

"Yeah, whatever. So I told my Slytherin friend group what happened and they didn't take it well."

"I know Draco Malfoy would've went ballistic."

"He did. So, Blaise Zabini put bleach in Weasley's shampoo. And he blamed it on me."

"Which one, Ayla? There's at least five or however many Weasleys in this school."

"Ronald Weasley, duh."

J: Yeah Moony duh!


D: Mar, calm down

"Okay, okay."

After Ayla spoke with her godfather, it was starting to get late. She went back to her common room where she sat down on the couch. She watched the flames in the fireplace burst with colour. She always thought fire was beautiful. The warmth of the flame, the colours that light up the whole common room. She zoned out staring into the glorious sight of fire dancing on the lights.

Mattheo walked into the common room to see the girl sitting on the couch staring at whatever. He smiled at the view. How could a girl look so perfect doing nothing? He thought. He walked over and moved the girl and laid his head in her lap.

"what are you doing?" She asked.

"Relaxing. Enjoying the view while I'm at it." he said sending her a wink. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Oh piss off!!" She said moving his head off from her. She laughed as the boy sat up and put her arm around her. To Mattheo's surprise, she rested her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and slowly fell asleep. Mattheo didn't move or say a sound. He just admired the girl sleeping soundlessly. Ten minutes pass and Mattheo closes his eyes and started drifting away into his slumber. Until he heard footsteps from behind. He turned his head to see his big brother.

"Well, well, well. My little brother and his sleeping beauty. How adorable." Tom said. Mattheo groaned and rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck do you want? If my girl wakes up because of you, I will kill you."

L: Did he just say 'my girl'?

D: Awww

B: Can they date already?

J: What about Har-

M: James no one gives a shit about Harry at the moment. We are trying to enjoy this #MAYLA moment so shut the fuck up!!!

"I just came to check up on you. It's what big brothers do."

"I'm fine. Now, piss off."

"She looks so pretty, doesn't she?" Mattheo clenched his jaw. His brother was complimenting the wrong girl. Mattheo's hand slid down onto Ayla's waist. "Aww. Look at you all protective."

"I thought I told you to piss off."

"Alright. I'll leave you and your little girlfriend alone but be careful with her." Mattheo frowned at his brother's words. "Her father's been around, you know. Keeping an eye out for his babygirl. What most fathers would do right? I mean that's what her father does, that's what our father does."

"What do mean by that?"

"Wait until next year, little brother. You'll be quite surprised." Tom said smirking. He walked out the room leaving Mattheo confused.

"Tom, what are you going to do?" He muttered.

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