she knows..

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The next day, Ayla met up with Harry at the Gryffindor painting. She looked around to see if anyone saw her.

"Here, wear this." He said giving her a cloak.

"Harry, I doubt this would do much." She said. He grabbed the cloak and through it over her. She almost screamed noticing half her body disappeared. "Since when, do you have an invisibility cloak?"

"Since first year." She covered the rest of her body as Harry lead her up the steps to the painting. She kept trying to hit high notes that were probably never sung before. "Fortuna Major!"

"Hold on, hold on. Let me hit this note." Then she screamed. Ayla and Harry covered their ears and then she finally opened the painting. Once, they were inside the common room, Ayla took the cloak off. She looked around and saw how similar their common room was similar to the Slytherin one. Except this one had a warmer embrace than the dungeons.

"So, what are you looking for?"

"Anything about my dad, possibly yours too."

"I'll help."

"No, you don't have to."

"Please, if it has something to do with my dad then I wanna help." She finally nodded in agreement and then started snooping around some bookshelves.
Ayla noticed a scrapbook with the title 'Class of 1978'. She opened the book and saw pictures on every page. She opened to a page where it was a moving picture of her and Harry's dad with their brooms on one side and their mums running into the picture. It stopped with her dad's arm over her mum with his broom in his hand. Harry's parents did the same. She smiled and laughed at the picture. "What is it?"

"Come here and look." He walked over to her and looked at the page. The picture moved again and froze. His reaction was the same.

J: I remember that day

They sat next to each other and looked through the scrapbook. She noticed a picture of four guys. She was able to picture three. There was her dad, James Potter, her godfather and another guy. She looked at the bottom of the page. It wrote 

~The Marauders~ 
Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew
Padfoot, Prongs, Moony, Wormtail

"Wormtail?" She whispered.

"Wait, I've heard these names before." Harry said.

"You have?"

"Yeah." He whipped out a blank piece of parchment and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

"Messers: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map." Ayal read. "So, you're telling me our dads, my godfather and Pettigrew built this map?"

"I guess so."

"Peter Pettigrew? I heard that name before. I just can't remember." Then a rat and cat ran into the room with Ron and Hermione yelling at each other closely behind.

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