Quidditch Cup

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They all left once Harry and Ron were ready. Ayla distanced herself from Hermione the entire walk. She was either with her dad for the twins.

"Are we there yet?" Ayla asked.

"We're not even halfway there." Mr Weasley told them. Groans were made from each child.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Ayla exclaimed.

"Oi! Language." Sirius warned his daughter.

"Yeah, Ayla, watch your language." George joked.

"Fuck you." Her father turned around and glared at her. "He's pissing me off."

"Arthur, we were starting to think you got lost." A man exclaimed.

"Sorry, Amos! Certain boys just don't know how to wake up in the morning." Mr Weasley said. A familiar boy dropped from a tree and shook Mr Weasley's hand.

"This is my son, Cedric." Amos introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Cedric said. Cedric's eyes scanned the bunch of his schoolmates until his eyes fell on Ayla. He smiled. Harry noticed this and rolled his eyes.

"Sirius Black. Nice to meet you." Ayla watched as her father interacted with the golden boy.

"Cedric Diggory, nice to meet you. You're Ayla's father?" Cedric asked.

"You're friends with my daughter?"

J: Oh shit.

M: Oh, she's just like you, Brooke

B: Just because I dated a Diggory doesn't mean she would

"We go to the same school, Dad. Think nothing of it." Ayla said. "Thanks to you, I have quite the reputation."

"My good lord, you look just like your mother." Amos said to Ayla.

"Funny. People say I look more like my father." She said. Mr Diggory continued staring at the girl. The resemblance was uncanny to him.

"She's a child not Brooke, Amos. Have your eyes wander somewhere else." Sirius said grabbing his daughter's arm and walking at the front of the pack.

"That was weird." Ayla muttered.

"He's only saying that because your mother rejected him for me." Sirius explained. Ayla giggled.

M: Lying bitch. They did date, Sirius.

J: I mean he's not wrong. After he cheated on Brooke, she did reject him.

B: Are we going to ignore the fact that creep stared at my daughter a little too long for my understanding?

D: He probably thought you two were quite similar. I mean, mother and daughter.

Ayla walked with Fred, George and Cedric leaving her father with her mother's ex and Mr Weasley.

"I just love how separated our fathers are." Cedric said. Ayla laughed as she noticed Mr Weasley in between the two.

"I mean, apparently your dad dated-"

"Your mother. I know, he told me." Ayla turned to the blonde boy next to her and frowned. This man must be real obsessed to still be talking about a girl you dated in school.

"Must've been a great conversation." She said sarcastically.

"Trust me, it wasn't. For my mother at least." Ayla giggled at the last sentence. "From what he's told me, you look like your mother."

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