the return of lord voldemort

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Tom hid with Ayla behind a tomb. They watched as Harry and Cedric walked throughout the cemetery.

"What the fuc-" Ayla said before Tom covered her mouth with his hand. She looked up at him and frowned. He looked down at her and shushed her.

"Cedric, we have to get back to the cup. Now!" Harry yelled.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. The door where Pettigrew opened and walked out with something in his arm. Harry screamed in pain. Ayla tried to run to help him but Tom stopped her.

"Don't even think about it." He gritted through his teeth.

"How heartless are you?" She asked. They looked back as Cedric pointed his wand at Pettigrew.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He yelled. Pettigrew pointed his wand back at him and the spell that left his mouth sent goosebumps up her body. The green light flashed her eyes. her heart started beating faster. Her breath shallower.

M: Trauma lane once again.

D: Shut up Marlene

B: I actually feel bad for the kid.

J: Which one?

B: All of them, James

"Ayla, breathe." Tom reminded her. Pettigrew had raised Harry onto a tombstone which had been spelled to stop him from escaping. Tom had walked out with Ayla following behind. She looked at Harry and took a step towards him before Tom jerked her back. They stood around a cauldron filled with some sort of liquid and then Pettigrew dropped what looked to be some type of baby Voldemort inside. And then a bone. Pettigrew walked towards Ayla and grabbed her hand.



"Let go of me!" She said. He held it over the cauldron and held a blade against it. "What are you doing? Tom, what is he doing?"

"Wait, let her go." Tom said. When Pettigrew left her wrist go, she stepped away from the cauldron. In a flash, Tom grabbed Pettigrew's hand instead. "Ayla, grab the blade." She snatched it out of Peter's hand. "Now, cut his off."

"What!?" She exclaimed.

"Cut his hand off." He said.

"I'm not gonna cut his hand off!" She screamed back.

M: pussy

B: Marlene, for fuck sake!

"Just fucking do it! It's either his or yours and I'm not letting you get hurt." He said. She pressed the blade against his wrist and pushed down. Her face changed at the sight of Pettigrew's blood spilling under the blade. She shook her head.

"Nope, I can't do this!" She said.

"Keep going. Just add more pressure." He exclaimed as he held Wormtail's hand more firm. So, she did. She did it quick and clean. Blood sprayed onto her face making her close her eyes. Pettigrew stepped back in pain and gripped his missing hand. "Good job, darling. Now, wipe the blood off. I need the blade." She handed it over after she wiped the blood off.

"Does Mattheo know you brought his girlfriend here without his knowledge?" Harry said.

"What my brother knows won't hurt him? And I intend to keep her safe." Tom said walking towards Harry. He cut into Harry's arm. Ayla looked at Harry with sorry eyes which he interpreted quickly. They turned to the cauldron as Tom tapped the knife three times. A drop of blood falling each time. As Harry started screaming in pain, Ayla ran to the tombstone pulling on the statue trying to make it budge. Harry was screaming as the cauldron bubbled then was lit on fire. Tom looked at Ayla who was helplessly trying to help the Potter boy and rolled his eyes. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her off. Dragging her away. "Don't fuck this up!"

"Fuck you." She spat.

"I am saving your life! My father would kill you at any moment, now stay behind me and don't say a word." Tom ordered as Lord Voldemort was rising again. Ayla stared at Pettigrew's reaction and looked over. There he stood. His sinister laugh made the hair on Ayla's arm stand up. He walked towards Wormtail. Ayla noticed Tom's breath was unhinged.

"Breathe, Tom." She said.

"Shut up." He whispered.

"My wand, Wormtail." He demanded. Even his voice gave Ayla chills. Ayla watched slowly as he poked the wand into Pettigrew's arm and the clouds created the dark mark. Then deatheaters showed up. One by one. She and Tom stood still. "Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been and yet here you stand before me s though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed."

M: Why does he get brought back to life? When's our turn?

J: facts

"Not one of you tried to find me. Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle! Not even you, Lucius." Ayla looked at her uncle frozen. She knew he was a deatheater. It was obvious when she lived with him. 

"My lord, had I detected any whisper of your whereabouts-" Lucius said before he spotted a glance to Ayla.

"There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers." Ayla and Tom watched the two men go back and forth. "And, what do we have here? My eldest son. Where is your brother? Where is Mattheo?"

"He is at Hogwarts, father." Tom spoke.

"And who's this? The girl, bring her to me." The Dark Lord demanded. Tom looked at Ayla who looked frightened.

"There is no need for that, my lord." Lucius said. "She is my niece."

"Your niece, you say?" Voldemort questioned with an amusing tone. "Step forward, child." She remanded looking at Tom who looked down at her and nodded his head to his father. She walked forward to him. He grabbed a strand of her hair and examined it before looking at her. His eyes pierced her soul. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Ayla. Ayla Black." She said. 

"She's a Black!" He called out. "How wonderful. Walk with me, Ayla." She followed him as he started going off at his followers. Wormtail opened his mouth in which Ayla rolled her eyes. "What do you say, Ayla? Should he deserve his hand back?"

"I doubt my opinion matters." She said making him laugh. Like a genuine laugh. I made Voldemort laugh. My grandmother is smiling from hell. She thought.

"What a funny girl. Where'd you find her, Thomas?" His father asked.

"She goes to school with Mattheo. They're friends." He explained.

M: A lot more than friends, you idiot.

B: Baldemort seems to have taken an interest to her


L: James, now is not a laughing matter.

"My son must have good taste if he's friends with you." Ayla nodded slowly. She watched as he gave Wormtail a metal hand. "Come along, Ayla." He said as they walked towards Cedric's dead body. Ayla looked down, tears filling them. She quickly blinked them away. "Oh. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Such a handsome boy."

"Don't touch him!!!" Harry screamed.

"Harry, I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father." The Dark Lord said. "I'd introduce you but word has it, you're almost as famous as me these days. The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry. Shall I really reveal what happened 13 years ago?"

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