Birthday bash

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Ayla's week went on as usual. Classes were boring. Moody kept making comments to her in class which made her annoyed and Mattheo suspicious. Sirius helped Ayla hide Blaise's present under her bed. It was Friday night where they were discussing Blaise's birthday.

"I don't care what you guys do but I'm waking him up at midnight singing 'happy birthday'. I'll jump on his bed just to annoy him." Ayla told the group of her plan which wasn't changing.

"Oh, I'm joining you." Enzo said. They nodded at each other with a smile.

"What about a banner in the common room?" Vi questioned.

"Someone has to make sure Blaise is asleep before we do all this." Draco said.

"I'll do that!" Ayla volunteered.

"To wake him up at midnight, seriously?" Vi asked.

"No, I just can't be bothered helping set stuff up." Ayla said truthfully. Theodore and Enzo chuckled.

"What about the presents?" Draco asked.

"We can have them all stacked up in the common room." Vi said.

"Is this Christmas or his birthday? Come on, people!" Ayla said. They all murmured in agreement.

"Ayla's like our Blaise duplicate. Every idea, she can correct because you two are like non-biological twins." Enzo said.

"Platonic soulmates." Ayla corrected.

"True." "Facts." Everyone said.

"How about we wake him up at midnight? Give him his presents then and start setting up everything else after that." Ayla suggested.

"Good idea!" Vi said.

"Well, then goodnight!" Ayla said walking to the stairs.

"What are you doing?" Mattheo asked.

"Going to sleep. If you expect me to be up from midnight onwards...I need my beauty sleep." She said. Vi hurried up after her.

"She's right. Goodnight." She said as they walked to their dorm together.


11:53pm Ayla woke up in excitement. She grabbed her present and dragged it to Blaise's dorm and hid it under her bed. She accidentally woke up Enzo who looked at her weirdly.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Shush!" She whispered.

"What is it?" He asked walking over to her touching the box. She slapped him hand and he winced. "Oww."

"Don't touch it." Ayla said. It was currently 11:58pm. She grabbed the blanket off her cousin and Enzo did the same to Mattheo. Viola walked in the room right on time with Theodore slowly behind.

"What the fuck Ayla?!" Draco exclaimed. Enzo and Ayla shushed him. He rolled out of bed and walked towards Blaise's bed. They watched as he was snoring. They all giggled at sleeping Blaise.

"Theo, get the lights." Vi said. He nodded as he walked to the light switch. "And now!" The lights switched on and Blaise woke up with a fright.

"What the fuck!?" He screamed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" The whole group screamed.

"Oh thanks guys." He said.

"Here, open my present first." Vi said handing his his box. He opens it which revealed a photo of him, Vi and Ayla at the Yule Ball which a bunch of sweets underneath. He got a suit from Draco, a bunch of quidditch stuff from Enzo, a muggle camera from Mattheo which he literally screamed like a child when he saw it, a bunch a muggle rap tapes from Theo and then he looked at Ayla.

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