Loud Mouths

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Ayla sat having lunch with Blaise and Viola later that day. The two girls listening to Blaise spill every piece of gossip he knew about from his birthday party last night.

"How do you remember all this?" Ayla asked. "You were that drunk, you made me look sober."

"I have my sources, Ayla. Now shush and listen to the most interesting of them all. I saved this for the very last." Blaise said leaning in to whisper his juiciest piece of tea. "This morning, I caught Hermione Granger sneaking out of a room, right?"

"Okay?" Vi said.

"And then our very own Draco left that exact same room, ten minutes later." Vi and Ayla stared at each other with wide eyes and jaws dropped.

M: WHAT!?!


L: damn Hermione

"Fuck off! What?!" Ayla exclaimed. Then something caught Vi's attention. On her neck.

"Yeah! That's what I said and I asked him about it and he fully denied it so I just let it go." Blaise said. Vi wasn't paying attention at this point but just stared at Ayla's neck.

"Ayla, what's on your neck?" She asked. Ayla covered it with her hair and looked back at her best friends.

"What's what?" She questioned cluelessly. Ayla was a good liar to everyone except Mattheo and Remus.

"That." She said pointing to the bruise on her neck which was hidden well.

"Nothing." She said. "Vi, there's nothing there."

"Don't gaslight me! What is that?" She asked louder. Ayla shushed her. Viola stared at her before she caught on. Viola slapped her mouth to stop the gasp escaping from her mouth. She looked at Blaise who smirked back. "NO FUCKING WAY!!"

"What part of 'shush' don't you understand?" Ayla snapped back.

"I'm going to need a fill-in here. When? Where? And what the actual fuck!" Viola exclaimed.

"This morning. Our dorm." Ayla answered short and simple.

"Oh my fucking god! Ayla Black, you absolute bitch." She teased.

"Okay, stop talking about it. I do have a father that's working here. And an overbearing, overprotective cousin." Ayla said making Viola drop it immediately. Ayla promised she'd tell her later if she shut the fuck up.

"Moving on from Ayla no longer being a virgin," Blaise said receiving a glare from Ayla across the table. "Vi, we saw you making out with Enzo." Ayla smirked at her flustered face.

"Shut up!" She exclaimed hitting Blaise's shoulder.

"Ayla, you might've missed the part where she slept in his bed last night." Blaise added making Ayla laugh.

"I figured. You didn't come back last night." She said.

"Surprised you even noticed. Especially with what you were doing this morning."

"What were you doing this morning?" Her cousin asked as he, Enzo and Mattheo joined them at the table. Ayla exchanged a knowing look with her best friends on the other side.

"I was at the astronomy tower." She said. Mattheo made eye-contact with his girlfriend and smirked.

"Why?" Draco asked.

"It has a great view." She said.

"You're fucking weird." Her cousin said walking off. Enzo and Mattheo following closely behind.

"More like she was fucking Mattheo." Vi muttered when Draco was no longer in earshot. Blaise burst out laughing and hit the table numerous times.

"Can you shut the fuck up?!" Ayla exclaimed. Mattheo walked around the table and sat down next to his girl. The trio went silent. Blaise looked at his food hiding his smile. Vi bit her lip to do the same thing.

"I'm assuming they know." He questioned.

"Of course, we do." Blaise said. "Who do you think we are?"

"Exactly, our girl shares every piece of information she has with us." Viola added.

"Correction, my girl." Mattheo said. "I don't like sharing."


M: oh. Well, I'll be damned.

B: future son-in-law everybody!!

"If we're talking about who was friends with her first," Blaise said pointing between him and Vi. "You won't win this argument, mate."

"Stop talking, will you?" Ayla asked.

"Nice work you did on her neck there, Mattheo." Blaise said out loud but gladly no one heard.

"Thanks." He replied with a smile.

"I'm going to kill you." She said. "Sleep with one eye open, you prat."

"Love you too." Blaise said earning a glare from Mattheo. "But not too much." Viola couldn't help but giggle.

"So, Vi, what happened with Enzo?" Mattheo asked. She looked shocked which made Ayla laugh.

"How the fuck do you know about that?" She questioned.

"Lorenzo couldn't shut up about it." Ayla looked at her best friend with a cheeky smile.

"Shut the fuck up, Ayla." V said.

"I didn't say anything." Ayla defended herself.

"Your face said it all."

"Her face says a lot. Mattheo, what face did she-" Blaise taunted.

"Shut up!!!" Ayla yelled. Mattheo and Viola laughed. Blaise made a love heart with his fingers which Ayla returned with her middle finger.

B: I'm adopting Blaise, I don't care

D: I mean he and Ayla are pretty much siblings

M: I fucking love that kid!! He's hilarious

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