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Ayla stomped up the stairs into her room. She slammed the door behind her and screamed as loud as she could. Everyone downstairs looked at one another. Narcissa left the group walking upstairs to Ayla's room. She was hesitant at first but knocked on the door.

"Go away!!" Ayla yelled. Narcissa opened the door and saw Ayla on her bed and an owl on her bedframe.

"You okay, darling?" She asked. Ayla sat up and glared at her aunt. Narcissa saw tearstains on her cheek.

"Do I look like I'm bloody okay?" Ayla exclaimed. Narcissa walked over to her niece and sat down next to her. She wiped Ayla's cheek and smiled.

"You know we won't let your father hurt you. If anything happens at Hogwarts, send me a letter immediately!" Narcissa told her niece whose attention was towards the owl. "Who's this little fella?"

"Regulus. Came to me earlier yesterday. I think he likes me because he never leaves."


"Yep, that's his name." Narcissa looked at the bird with curiosity. The eyes looked familiar to her but it was impossible, she thought.

"You know you had an uncle named Regulus?"

"I did? What happened to him?"

"He was murdered." Narcissa took a breath before continuing the story about Regulus. "He was your father's younger brother. My big sister, Andy, used to babysit him and your father. He would've loved you."


"Most definitely and you would've loved him. He was amazing but your grandmother would be better at describing your uncle. I'm heading over there now to check if the house is maintained, wanna come?"

"And talk to my grandmother? No thanks. She's mental in the head. Don't get me started on Kreacher. That little bugger keeps asking me about school and when I'm getting accepted to Hogwarts, annoyed the crap out of me."

"Well, you can tell them you got accepted, she really misses your visits." Ayla scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Ayla Estelle Black, it's been 2 months since you've seen her."

"Well, I'm about to make it three."

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