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The day before the choosing of the Triwizard champions came around where Ayla sat reading with Viola in the great hall watching as students entered the circle and placed there name in the Goblet of fire. Ayla heard a loud commotion coming from a familiar group of Hufflepuffs. Once Ayla saw who they threw into the circle, she rolled her eyes.

"Oooh look. It's pretty boy Diggory." Vi said nudged her arm.

"Shut up." She said as he put his name in and made eye contact with her. He winked as he walked back to his friends. Ayla went back to her book. "Don't." She warned her best friend.

"I didn't say anything."

"So? I know what you were thinking and stop." Ayla said as she heard someone sit next to her. She assumed it was Pansy or Astoria but they would've said something by now. She looked over to see Hermione Granger. She looked to Vi who frowned.

"Granger." Viola acknowledged.

"Viola." She said. First name basis was never I thing between those girls. "Ayla."

"Can we help you?" Ayla asked.

"Since I'm going to be seeing more of you in the future, I just thought it'd be best this year we try be civil." She said.

M: what?

L: That's nice of her

"Like friends?" Ayla asked with a smirk. She found it assuming on how Hermione Granger struggled to ask her to be friends.

"I mean acquaintances but friends would be nice." She said.

"Granger, I'm not that bad a person, you know?"

"I know. George and Ginny have convinced me to give you a chance."

"George? As in George Weasley?" Viola questioned. Hermione nodded. Vi looked at Ayla with a smirk.

"Don't." She warned. Then speak of the devil, George and Fred came in rushing into the great hall cheering. "What did they do?"

"Something spontaneous, I guess." Viola said.

"By spontaneous, do you mean stupid?" Hermione asked.

"Exactly what I mean."

"Cooked it up just this morning." Fred said. At least, she thought it was Fred. Ayla rolled her eyes.

"It's not going to work." She called out. They looked at Ayla amused then walked over to her and sat down in front of her.

"Yeah? And why'd that Ayla?" George asked. She smiled.

"Hermione if you will."

"See that." Hermione said pointing at the line drawn around the goblet. They nodded. "That is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred asked.

"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a doge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion." She explained.

"But that's why it's so brilliant." Fred said.

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." George finished his sentence.

"Has anyone ever told you how incredibly stupid you are?" Ayla asked.

"Yes." Fred replied.

"Our mother." George said. Ayla rolled her eyes. They got up on the bench behind them and started to shake the potion vile. "Ready Fred?"

"Ready George?"

"Bottoms up!" They said in unison. They jumped in the circle and saw no effect. Yet. Everyone cheered for them.

"This isn't going to end well is it?" Vi asked.

"Knowing George and Fred, no." Ayla answered.

J: Am I the only that notices she said George and Fred? And not Fred and George?

M: I'm a Mayla shipper. I'm a Mayla shipper. I'm a Mayla shipper. I'm a Mayla shipper.

B: I really want her to be with Mattheo but her and George are so cute

L: Ayla stop having chemistry with every boy!

As the girls looked back over they see the twins flying out of the circle. Ayla laughed as the twins fought. She saw they had grey hair and long beards. She heard everyone chant as the two acted as children. She noticed the room started to go silent. She saw Krum walk in, put his name in the cup and look over to Hermione. She looked between the two and smirked. Then he left.

"You and Krum?" Ayla asked. Hermione frowned. "I'm not stupid. I saw him staring at you."

"It's nothing." She said.

"What lies. That is saying there's nothing going on with Ayla and Mattheo. Pure bullshit." Vi interrupted.

"Shut up. Why don't you shag Enzo in a broom closet?" Ayla teased.

"Fuck off. I am not Pansy. And I'm pissed off at him at the moment."

"Trouble in paradise?" Hermione asked.

"We aren't even together. He's just getting in my nerves."

"Okay, leave my boy Enzo alone." Ayla said closing off the conversation.

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