He's fine

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As Ayla shook Harry's hand, she felt a pair of eyes burning in the back of her head. She turned around and saw Mattheo staring at her not even daring to look away. They made eye contact and he slowly shook his head. While Ayla was too distracted by Mattheo, she didn't realise her stupid cousin approaching the hippogriff.

"Yeah, you're not dangerous at all, are you? You big ugly brute!" She heard him say before the hippogriff scratched his arm. She walked towards him before everyone else did and they expected her to help him but instead she laughed as he cried, "It's killed me! It's killed me!"

"God, you're that dramatic. Just get up!" She yelled.

"Ayla, he needs to go to the hospital wing!!" Hermione screamed.

"No, he doesn't. He's being stupid." She argued then Hagrid picked him up and dismissed the class.  


J: She's right tho

Ayla walked with Viola and Pansy back to the dungeons and sat down in their dorm.

"So, Ayla, you and Mister Harry Potter, hmm?" Viola asked. Pansy giggled.

"Don't start! No no no no no and no!" Ayla denied. The two girls laughed at her.

"How was the ride on Buckbeak?" V asked.

"It was...nice. Really nice. It was very calm."

"Girl, you should've seen Mattheo's face! When he saw your arms wrapped around Potter-"

"HE WAS PISSED! Like full-blown jealous!" Pansy said cutting off Viola. Ayla scoffed but smiled.


"Seriously, no pun intended, he was fuming! Like his eyes could've burned through iron. He didn't even talk to any of us, not once." Viola said.

"I really couldn't care less. It's not like were dating."

"He looks like he wants to." Pansy said.

"Date me? Yeah no, he's not my type." 

"Pansy, she's only interested in Gryffindors so quit it." Ayla stared at Viola as she laughed with Pansy.

"Why don't you go ahead and snog Lorenzo Berkshire?" Viola's jaw dropped. Pansy screamed and laughed. "Don't think I didn't see you eyeing him earlier."

"I was NOT eyeing him. Plus, he's a prick."

"Correction, you're future husband."


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