Heart to heart

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Ayla sat on her bed and picked at her fingers. It was a habit she needed to stop. She heard someone walk in and expected it to be Viola but when she looked up, she frowned.

"Mattheo?" She said. "What are you doing here?"

"Came to see if you were alright." He answered. She nodded and hid her hands.

"Well, I'm fine." She said.

"I can tell when your lying so be honest with me." He said as he leaned on the doorframe.

"Its just Pansy was being such a-"

"Bitch?" Ayla laughed.

"Yeah, pretty much." Silence filled the room for a second. "You know at the World Cup when I told you I recognised the dark mark in the sky?"

"Yeah." Mattheo nodded confused to where this conversation will lead. "What about it?"

"I remember seeing it the night my mum died." She explained. Mattheo sat at the end of her bed staring at her. "I remember Lucius grabbing hold of me trying to carry me out the room so I wouldn't see anything but my aunt, the psycho bitch she is, forced him to have me watch."

B: Never forgiven that bitch for that. Do you know how much that hurt? I practically begged Malfoy to drag her out.

"Holy shit." Mattheo muttered.

D: Its cute she trusts him with these types of stuff.

L: it is isn't it?

"I remember hearing that curse escape her mouth. It sent goosebumps up my arm. And even though I closed my eyes, I still saw that flash of green light. When I opened them, I saw my mum's lifeless body on the floor. Lucius dragged me out the house as I screamed and cried. I'm pretty sure, I even bit him." Ayla chuckled at the thought. "I watched Rodolphus Lestrange smile and mock me and we exited the house. Then I saw him release the mark." Mattheo looked at the girl with only sympathy and pity in his eyes.

"What happened next?" Mattheo asked. "If you're comfortable with telling me."

B+D: Awww

M: This is why they need to be together. They are perfect for each other.

"My aunt walked towards me and smirked. I remember her saying, 'I killed Brooklyn Meadows!' Over and over. My eyes stung with tears. She danced around like a madman. Lucius and I apparated to my grandmother's house, I remember begging him to take me to my uncle Remus. He said, 'I'd learn to be a better Black here with her. That my godfather couldn't teach me anything about our family and how important my name was.' I was ten. Eleven, the first time she hit me with the Cruciatus curse." Mattheo was speechless but felt nothing but anger for what she was put through.

"That's traumatic. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I really am. Especially, alone. That must've been really hard for you." He comforted.

"I had nightmares for years. Still do on occasions."

"Well, if you ever have one, a nightmare I mean, come straight to me. No matter what. You come straight to me." He said. She nodded.

"You're the only person that knows. Except my godfather. You two are the only people I can truly trust." Mattheo smiled knowing that.

"Not even your father?" Ayla smiled.

"I love my dad and all but there are plenty things I don't tell him about. Like for example, the rose."

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