Glimpse of Us

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Mattheo spent the night in Ayla's bed. Viola lay asleep in her bed. Pansy had not returned which Ayla was glad for. She felt his arms wrapped around her waist. His face tucked in the crook of her neck. His lips just centimetres from her neck. She could feel his breath. She tried to get up from her bed only for him to pull her back.

"Mattheo, we have school." She said. "We have to go."

"Fuck school."

"Please. We have all weekend-"

"WEEKEND?! NAH, FUCK YOU BOTH!! You two betrayed me!" Blaise said entering the room. "We were the single trio! Now you two pull this shit! I ship you but fuck you!"

D: I love Blaise

B: same.

"Can you help me?" Ayla asked pleadingly.

"No." Blaise said. "You two deserve each other. Have fun."

"Please. I'm begging you, Blaise." She pouted. "I don't just beg for anyone." Mattheo laughed and she elbowed his stomach. "Shut up."

"You two are disgusting...and I'm not touching him. Who knows what you two did?" Ayla rolled her eyes.

"We did nothing."

"That's not what I walked in on. That was for sure something." Ayla groaned.

"Blaiseee!!" She called out. "Help your best friend."

"Fuck you." He said as he walked over and grabbed her arms.


Sirius sat at the teacher's table staring at the two kids. He eyed his daughter as she sat with her friends. He frowned when she laughed at a joke Enzo made.

"Leave your daughter alone." A familiar voice said to him. He turned to see Professor McGonagall seated next to him.

"She's my daughter. I can keep an eye on her." He muttered back.

"You need to trust her." Sirius scoffed then remembered who he was talking to.

"I do trust her. Just not him." He said. McGonagall laughed.

"You sound like Dorcas when she found out about you and her sister." The professor giggled. Sirius turned to her and frowned. "She did not like you."

D: HEY!! That was supposed to be confidential!

"Bullshit. Dorcas loved me." McGonagall laughed even harder.

"The woman hated you. She only grew to like you, Sirius." She said. "I get you may not like Mr Riddle but he's a good kid. Your daughter makes him a good kid. Just like how Brooklyn straightened you out."

"She did not!"

J+M+L+D: She did.

"Of course she didn't. I'm just saying that you're being hypocritical."

"How!?" Sirius exclaimed like a child. Professor McGonagall pinched the bridge of her nose, knowing he wasn't learning his lesson.

"Ayla and Mattheo are equivalent to you and Brooklyn." This time Sirius laughed.

"No." He denied. "No. My daughter knows better."

"Does she?"

"Yes. Remus raised her right." McGonagall frowned. He didn't know.

"Sirius, Mr Lupin didn't raise Ayla after Brooklyn passed. The Malfoys did. As did your mother." Sirius's face dropped. His daughter was stuck in that house with his mother? By herself?

"That's how she- that's how she hurt my daughter." Sirius muttered. "She lived with her?"

"We tried everything we could to get her out of that house. Professor Dumbledore took his time sending her Hogwarts letter. She was better with the Malfoys, I'll tell you that."

"She would've been better with Remus. He would've cared for her. My mother is a monster who hurts kids. Who knows what that bitch did to her? And the Malfoys, Remus told me she and Lucius argued a lot-"

"I know. Ayla needs you. She needs you to trust her. She needs you to care about her feelings and don't disregard them. If she likes this boy, make it work. You may surprise yourself and actually like the boy."

"Not happening, Minnie." He turned to his favourite professor. She sent a warning glare. "Fine. I'll try and tolerate the kid."

"Good. We're making progress." Sirius looked back to his daughter and his face dropped. He watched her smile and laugh. As if he saw her laugh and smile for the very first time.

Flashback March 1981~

"I swear to god, if she says dada one more time, Sirius I will strangle you." James threatened.

"James, she's one. The only thing she says is dada." Brooke said.

"No, she just loves me more." Sirius said.

"If that's the only thing she says, I can't wait for Harry to start speaking." James exclaimed.

"I'll laugh if he says mama." Peter joked. Sirius laughed at the thought.

"Don't even joke about that, Pete." James said pointing at his friend. Ayla sat in his lap and her tiny fingers wrapped around a strand of his hair. "Ayla, no. No. Not the hair. Ayla, not the hair." Then she tugged on it. "Oww! No! Let go. Ayla, let the hair go." She giggled as James winced.

"She's the cutest." Pete said laughing at James. "Look at her smile. James, you can't be mad at that."

"I am mad. That was my precious hair." James said handing her to Sirius. He rushed to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. He walked back out in relief. "Thank god, my hair looks fine." He walked towards Ayla who was in Sirius's arms and pointed at her. "You may be cute but I'm still pissed off."

"Leave the little girl alone." Lily said handing Harry to James.

"My son would never touch my hair." James said rocking Harry.

"Not yet." Sirius said.

"Shut up." Sirius laughed at his best friend. Ayla touched her dad's face with her little hands and she smiled.

"Dada!" She said. Sirius smiled at his daughter.

"Aww." Pete, Brooke and Lily said.

"She clearly has a favourite parent." James said.

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