The full moon

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Ayla woke up to see her laying on Mattheo. His hand on her waist and his eyes closed. She slowly moved his hand off of her. She grabbed a blanket and laid it on him. The boy didn't move or make a sound. He was fast asleep. She smiled at the sleepy boy and kissed his forehead. She left the common room and went to her room. She saw Pansy was missing from her bed and Viola was asleep. She laid down in her bed and dozed back off to sleep.

"Ayla." A voice said. She opened her eyes to see she was in a white room. She looked around to see her mother. "Ayla."

"Mum?" She said. Her mum smiled and reached out to her daughter. Ayla reach for her mum's hand but she slipped right through. "What happened?"

"Your dad needs help. It's Remus. He forgot to take his wolfsbane and he's out there. He needs your help, baby. You're the only one who can help." Her mother said.


"You can help your dad become innocent."


"Get the wolfsbane for Remus and give it to him before the full moon's at its peak. You have two and a half hours. They're at the Whomping Willow, hurry love." Ayla woke up with a gasp. Her breathing became heavier and she got up from bed. She grabbed her jacket and ran out her dorm. She hurried her way through the common room making sure she'd stay quiet as Mattheo was still asleep. She left the common room and ran through the corridors making her way to the Whomping Willow. She saw Snape leaving with Harry, Hermione and Ron. She frowned. Then her dad and Remus straight after with an ugly man in between trying to fight them. Ayla ran straight towards them. Sirius looked at his daughter and didn't say a word. Peter looked at her and thought about Brooke. How they looked so alike.

"Uncle Moony!!" She yelled. He looked at her and frowned.

"Ayla?" He questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Full moon. You need to go." She said. He looked at his goddaughter, scared.

"Shit! I didn't take my wolfsbane. Fuck!" He yelled.

"Nice going, Lupin. We're all going to die." Snape muttered. Ayla rolled her eyes.

"No we aren't because lucky for you, I'm smart." She said giving him a vial of the potion from her pocket. He smiled at her.

"Thank Merlin for her." Ron said.

"Ayla? I remember you. You and Brooke. You look so much like your mother. A wonderful friend she was." Peter admired. Sirius clenched his jaw and his grip on Peter tightened.

B: Oh shut the fuck up, you backstabber!! 


"You framed my dad. Don't act like we're friends." She said. Sirius smirked.

"Please, Ayla. I'm begging you. Let me go!" He pleaded. She smiled and hit him in the face. Blood fell from his nose.

"Nice hit." Sirius said. "Now if I were you Pete, I'd say she's more like me."

"Of course, she's a daddy's girl. Always has been." Remus said. "I'll be down here." He pointed at the Whomping Willow. Ayla hugged her godfather and he kissed her forehead. She walked behind her dad, Peter and since Remus had to go Snape, held onto the other side of Peter. Harry, Hermione and Ron were ahead of everyone else. Harry looked behind to see the girl walking by her lonesome. He stopped and waited for her to catch up. Sirius frowned at his godson being friendly with his daughter. When Ayla caught up with Harry, she rolled her eyes.

"I wanted to apologise." He said.

"I thought I told you not to. I also thought I told you not to talk to me." She spat.

"I know. I know. What i said was stupid, I understand you may be mad at me."

"May be? I may be mad? Harry, just spare yourself the embarrassment and leave me alone." She said. She walked up to her father and walked next to him. 

"You okay?" He asked. She nodded. "Boy problems? Because if it is, I'll kill whoever it is." She laughed.

"Do you really wanna kill your godson?" She asked.

"Depends? What did he do?"

B: Awww. Still sucking up to his daughter.

L: Awww.

J: If he touches my son, I will haunt him for the rest of his life.

M: James, shut up!!! We are getting a very adorable father-daughter moment

J: Marlene, there's gonna be more later on in life!!

M: Well can we just enjoy this one?

J: Fine!

"That's a story for another day." She said.  He smiled at the small girl walking next to him. The moment was ruined by an old man crying in between. They both turned to Peter Pettigrew and frowned. He looked back at them. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I mean I'm about to be put in Azkaban but this is so adorable. Father and daughter reunited once again. It's melts my heart." He wailed.

"You were the one that took my father from me so am i supposed to feel sorry for you?"

"Ayla, darling, don't worry about him. He is the key to set me free and make me innocent."

"I'm the innocent one!" Peter replied.

"Yeah, you murdered 12 innocent muggles, framed my dad, cut off your finger to make that story liable, sold James and Lily out to You-Know-Who, ruined not only my life but Harry's, my dad's, Uncle Remus's and the families of those muggles you killed, not to mention you murdered my godmother...shall I continue?" Ayla said. Sirius smirked.

M: Yeah!! Pete rot in hell!!

L: He's going to Azkaban. That'll be hell enough

J: Sirius will finally be in Ayla and Harry's life!!!

B: Mostly, Ayla's. Considering, that is her father.

D: If he dares pulls some favouring shit and treats harry better than Ayla, I will haunt his ass for the rest of his life.

J: But Harry needs someone too

B: yeah, James, we get that but Sirius is her dad. He needs to be there for her through everything. Sure he can take care of Harry but Ayla should be his main priority.

D: Exactly!!

L: They have a point, darling. He may be all Harry has left but Ayla needs him

J: But-

M: Do not argue with us!!!

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